Madalena de Orozco

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Winning 2016 Steppes Artisan!
Registered Name: Madalena de Orozco
Resides: "Bjornsgwlad"
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2007
Order of Precedence
Madelena de Orozco

Or, an urchin rampant contourny purpure its quills impaling apples gules.

The Honorable Lady Madelena de Orozco

Previously Known As:
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Chronicler of the Barony of Bjornsborg 2008 - 2009
    • Seneschal, Shire of Adlersruhe, 2017 - 2018
    • Minister of Arts & Sciences for the Barony of Bjornsborg, 2023
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Southern Regional Scribe 2015 - 2016
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Kingdom Chronicler deputy for newsletter production 2009 - 2010
    • Prior Deputy kingdom Minister of Children
    • Kingdom Minister of Children, July 2018 - 2020

Persona History:

Madalena de Orozco, Spanish born, accepted a citizenship agreement from the Italian hamlet of Soana in the Duchy of Tuscany. Soana wanted to compete with nearby Orvieto in pottery and maiolica production, so they offered Madalena a monopoly on the region for production of pottery for several royal families and upper level merchants.

Madalena had spent most of her childhood as an apprentice in a lusterware pottery center in Valencia, Spain.

She risked her life to accept the appointment, taking with her the knowledge of lustre and finicky red pigments; she would never sail to Spanish shores again, lest she be tried for treason.


Ceramics: Namely maiolica. I also teach how to throw bowls, cups and plates.

Fiber arts: I have worked in all things fiber. "From sheep to shawl," as they say. I've taught classes in dyeing, spindle and wheel spinning, Tablet weaving, rigid heddle, multi-harness looms, embroidery, and sprang. I enjoy knitting in my free time and absolutely love dyeing and spinning.
Metals and Jewelry: My current rabbit hole! I teach several metals and jewelry specific skills to make wearable art. I teach soldering workshops at War of the Rams and Gulf Wars, and teach jewelry making techniques like beading, and how to create strong closures, at collegiums/outdoor events.

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

Bryn Gwlad

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • 2013 Elfsea Artisan
  • 2014 Kingdom Arts and Sciences - chosen as a Gulf Wars artisan for maiolica plate "Dragon Howling at the Moon"
  • 2014 Stargate Artisan
  • 2017 Steppes Artisan
  • 2023 Bryn Gwlad Artisan
  • 2024 Event Steward of Bjornsborg's fall event, "Danse Macabre"

Classes Taught


  • How to make a bowl on a potter's wheel
  • How to make a plate on a potter's wheel
  • Introduction to Maiolica
  • Tracing is period: Maiolica patterns and pouncing
  • Maiolica history, from Iraq to Spain and beyond
  • How to make a period paint brush
  • How to make ceramic insignia with Maiolica techniques


  • Introduction to tablet weaving
  • Introduction to spinning in the hand
  • Five basic embroidery stitches
  • Introduction to bobbin lace
  • How to make a Viking Tunic, using Maestari Haraldr's pattern


  • Introduction to jewelry sawing
  • Soldering 101: make a sterling silver bracelet
  • How to make a sterling silver ring
  • How to polish your sterling silver ring by hand
  • How to make Roman-inspired jewelry
  • How to use your Cricut with metal etching
  • Can you knot?!- learning how to make a pearled necklace


  • wool scouring
  • Save that pee! Cleaning wool: fermenting sheep urine to create the perfect blue dye
  • why we card wool
  • Kitchen Dyeing: How not to corrupt your pots!
  • I have the blues: Indigo vat dyeing
  • Roll it on the log! How fabric yardage was dyed in period
  • Let's dye: making colors from period sources, barks and bugs oh my!
  • Fermentation vats, Indigo over time

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Facebook Profile: Jen Aghassibake

Special Needs:

My daughter is autistic, she is learning how to socialize, please carry on a conversation with her, instead of talking to me about her with her present.

In Case of Court:

I am fine being called into court.