Lilias Mar

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Atenveldt Spring Crown Tournament 2017
Registered Name: Lilias Mar
Resides: Stargate/Loch Soilleir
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2014
Order of Precedence
Kingdom of Atenveldt OP

Ansteorra OP


Per bend sinister azure mullety Or and vert, in sinister base a scorpion bendwise sinister inverted Or.

Lady Lilias Mar

Previously Known As: Laura of Granite Mountain
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Chronicler, Barony of Granite Mountain, Kingdom of Atenveldt
    • Prior Deputy Chronicler, Barony of Granite Mountain, Kingdom of Atenveldt
    • Prior Deputy Thrown Weapons Marshal, Barony of Granite Mountain, Kingdom of Atenveldt

Persona History:

I was born in Braemar Castle in the Highlands of Scotland. My father was a merchant for the Earl of Braemar and a confidant, hunting companion as well as a distant cousin. He traveled far and wide often bringing us new things to wear and new foods to try. My mother often took care of those who took ill in the Castle as well as Braemar village. Often using local plants and often teas from other areas to help ease their ills.


  • Creating beautiful artwork on Scrolls
  • Weaving of different forms
  • Thrown Weapons, though I prefer short stab by knives.

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

  • Barony of Granite Mountain, Kingdom of Atenveldt

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • With the assistance of the Baronial Archery Marshal, started up a regular Thrown Weapons Practice in the Barony of Granite Mountain, Kingdom of Atenveldt
  • Thrown Weapons Champion of the Barony of Granite Mountain, 2017

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

Please see Atenveldt OP entry, provided above.


  • Member, Household of Emerald Dragon.

Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: