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Registered Name: Goldweard of St. Golias
Resides: Bryn Gwlad
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1992
Order of Precedence
Goldweard of St. Golias

Per pale vert and Or, a nesselblatt counterchanged.

Baron Goldweard of St. Golias

Previously Known As:Thomas Goldweard


Additional Registered Heraldry:

Device: Per pale vert and Or, a nesselblatt counterchanged.
Badge: (Fieldless) Within and conjoined to an unstrung harp a Lacy knot vert.


  • Regional Offices Held
    • Arbalast Herald
    • Southern Region Hospitaler
    • Amillary Herald
    • Obelisk Herald
    • Southern Region MOC
    • Southern Region Chronicler
    • Southern Region Herald
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Deputy Kingdom Historian
    • Deputy Kingdom Hospitaler
    • Kingdom Hospitaler
    • Kingdom Historian
    • Kingdom Youth and Family Officer (Formerly (MOC)
  • Society Offices Held
    • Special Projects Deputy for Society Chatelaine

Persona History:

The hearth crackles merrily, casting dancing shadows across the worn faces of my patrons. In the cozy embrace of the "Bard's Hall Tavern," the ale flows freely, and laughter spills out onto the starlit night. It's a far cry from the cold stone floors and flickering candlelight of the old University in Paris.

The student strike of 1229 feels like a distant echo now. Back then, a misplaced loaf of bread and a spilled drink sparked a riot that left a bitter taste in my mouth. We, the students, brimming with youthful idealism, clashed with the Queen's guards, and dear Jean...well, his absence still leaves a hollow ache.

But life, like a stubborn weed, finds a way to grow through the cracks. Dispersed from the University, I drifted for a while, the pursuit of knowledge a tattered cloak around my shoulders. Then, fate, or perhaps the whims of the wind, led me here, to the rolling hills near the Barony of Bryn Gwlad.

Starting small, with a coin purse lighter than my heart, I opened this tavern. The "Bard's Hall Tavern" became a haven for weary travelers and a watering hole for local gossip. Slowly, steadily, it thrived. My patrons, a motley crew of knights, farmers, and even the occasional bard, became my family.

Learning, it turns out, was open to more than dusty tomes and stuffy lectures. Running a tavern is a constant lesson in human nature, in the delicate balance of supply and demand. Euclid may not grace my shelves anymore, but the lessons of life are a constant education.

Sometimes, in the quiet moments between bustling evenings, I wonder about Paris. Did the University ever reopen its doors? Did the Queen ever acknowledge the students' grievances? Perhaps someday, when the roads are clear and my thirst for adventure rekindled, I'll return.

But for now, I find contentment in the warmth of the hearth, the clinking of tankards, and the stories that fill the air. The "Bards Hall" may have started as a refuge, but it's become a cherished part of my life, as cherished as my place at court. Yes, these days, you can find me not just behind the bar but also amongst the esteemed Barons of Ansteorra's Court.

Running a successful tavern and serving on the Court - it's a life far richer than I ever imagined for a former Parisian student. A testament to the fact that even amidst hardship, a well-run tavern, a thirst for knowledge, and a twist of fate can pave the way for a damn good life.

Thomas Goldweard

Thomas was almost my twin, save for a shade of difference in our hair and the glint of mischief that seemed permanently etched into his eyes. People often mistook us, a confusion that served him well more often than not. While I was lost in books, Thomas was lost in the vibrant tapestry of London's underbelly.

He was a natural-born con man, his charm as disarming as his wit. He could sweet-talk his way into any situation, and out of most. I remember the time he convinced the local baker to give him double the bread allowance, claiming to be me, the baker’s favorite customer. Or the time he’d managed to swap my Latin textbook for a grimoire, a prank that landed me in hot water with the schoolmaster.

When I left for Paris, I thought I’d escaped his antics. But Thomas, with his relentless energy and an uncanny knack for survival, followed me. He turned up on my doorstep, a bedraggled but determined look in his eyes. I couldn’t deny him, not with that familiar glint of mischief in his gaze.

Ansteorra proved to be a goldmine for Thomas. The lawless frontier offered ample opportunities for a man of his talents. He quickly found his footing in the underbelly of the Barony. He’d cheat at cards, forge documents with an uncanny precision, and engage in questionable deals with a network of dubious characters, including the infamous Hanse Deiter.

I often found myself bailing him out of trouble, a role I’d grown accustomed to. There was the time he'd bet on the wrong horse in a jousting tournament, owing a hefty sum to a rather imposing knight. Or the time he’d forged a permit to the royal feast, only to be caught red-handed by the Bryn Gwlad baronial guard.

Despite his flaws, I couldn’t deny a certain affection for my brother. He was a whirlwind, a force of nature, capable of both the most infuriating and the most endearing acts. And as much as I tried to rein him in, I knew deep down that I wouldn’t have him any other way.


  • Herbalism
  • Bardcraft
  • Leatherworking
  • Rapier Combat

Classes Taught:

  • Introduction to Herbalism
  • Event Stewarding
  • Period Games
  • Mulled Wine
  • Vinergaroon

Timeline of Activity:

1992: Joined the Society
2001: Moved to Ansteorra
2006: Became active after College
2009: Premier Bard of Stargate
2010: Premier Bard of Ansteorra
2021: Loch Soilleir Bardic Champion
2024: Bonwicke A&S Champion

Prior Groups:

1999- Shire of Caer Adamant

Notable Contributions:


2009: Named Bardic Champion for the Barony of Stargate
2010: Elevated to the pinnacle of bardic achievement in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, serving as Premier Bard.
2021: Named Bardic Champion for the Barony of Loch Solleir
2024 Named Arts and Science Champion for the Barony of Bonwicke

Event Management and Organization
2011: Authored the comprehensive "Ansteorra Event Steward's Guide," providing invaluable resources for event planning and management.
2014: Demonstrated exceptional creative and organizational skills by developing engaging promotional materials to increase event attendance and participation.
2016: Curated a captivating historical display commemorating the 50th anniversary of Ansteorra, showcasing the kingdom's rich heritage.
2019: Produced a compelling exhibit celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Kingdom, preserving and sharing its history with the SCA community.

Educational and Informational Contributions
2020: Created a user-friendly "Newcomer's Guide to the SCA," facilitating a smooth entry for new members into the society.

Technological and Digital Advancement
2021: Successfully migrated the kingdom's heraldic and scribal website to a new platform, enhancing accessibility and functionality.
2021: Led the transfer of the kingdom's chronicler and Minister of Children's (MoC) site to a new system, improving data management and organization.
2024: Conducted a comprehensive overhaul of the Minister of Children handbook and the kingdom-wide offices, simplifying processes and modernizing communication protocols. The office was rebranded as the Office of Youth and Family to foster a more inclusive environment.

April 2021: Commended by the Society for Creative Anachronism President during the Board of Directors Meeting for developing the Newcomers Handbook.
August 2024 Commended by the Society for Creative Anachronism President during the Board of Directors meeting for extensive work with the Youth and Family office.


Mundane Information:

Bearer of the Sable Shield of Ansteorra

Brett Chandler-Finch

(Phone) 512-703-0669
SCA Resume

In Case of Court:

Contact: Wilhelm Artz
Annes Clotilde von Bamburg