Mooneschadowe Gulf War Camp Coordination
From Ansteorra History Wiki
New today! This is a work in progress during crunch-time 2013, being Gulf War XXII. --Elsa (talk) 07:01, 1 March 2013 (PST)
Seneschal Oversight
- All of the War Camp "offices" ARE responsible to report back to the Seneschal.
- The Seneschal should be apprised of changes as they happen.
- Where possible, the Seneschal should plan a Group Photo - try to coordinate that ahead of time.
- Swearing in of the Guard:
- Usually at the Populace immediately preceding War
- Styles are as individual as people - some do a "swearing at" of the Guard. Some make it formal, some make it free-form.
Ahead of War
- Things to remind people about ahead of War (exclusive of packing):
- Vehicle maintenance - full fluid/filter (including oil) changes, spare tire in good shape!
- Check your membership card!
- Check your fighter authorization card
- Remember that the less space you (read: your tent) take(s) up at War, the more we have shared party space!
- How Mooneschadowe Goes to War
After War
- It's usually the most sane thing to reserve the first Tuesday meeting after War as a "let's talk about it" time - not necessarily a post-mortem, but encourage people to tell stories and share pictures.
- Ask for pictures to be posted someplace where people can see them.
Land Duties
- Collect tent dimensions and door side(s), arrival date, period/mundane, number of people in tent
- Set up camp upon arrival on site
- Direct traffic to their new homesteads
Kitchen Duties
- Completely at the discretion of whoever's doing it. In past years, it's been very free-form. We've started to tighten up the ship when we've started having large camp attendance. Having a formal food plan lets people accommodate a tighter budget and a freer schedule - as well as social time!
- Planning/posting a menu well in advance will help people provide feedback. In years past we've accommodated the following specifications:
- Vegetarian
- Diabetic
- Celiac
- Crohns
- allergic to chicken
- It's advisable to place parameters on who all will be eating with us, ie, only people who let you know ahead of time, and maybe only people who camp with Mooneschadowe.
- Creating a camp chores document will help everyone visualize the work required for running the Kitchen - and then they'll know where they can contribute. Jobs include:
- Ice in all coolers and Gott jugs
- Making Gatorade/Lemonade in the smaller Gott, Topping off the Big One with water
- Policing trash and armor in the main hang-out area
- Hauling trash to the "curb"
- Helping in the Kitchen for meals (particularly dinner)
- omelettes, salsa, cheese
- or whatever people want to make themselves. Someone should enforce the standard that everyone cleans up after themselves in the kitchen.
- coolers accessible to everyone on the meal plan - basic sammich fixins: meat, cheese, bread, condiments
- Sammich Ninjas are awesome and may materialize on their own, or they may need on the job training
- hot cooked meals.
- Bratwursts, shepherd's pie, tacos all go over well.
- may get help from outside sources, but make sure they understand the money/space/time parameters
MSG Duties
- Coordinate with all students to make sure they're set for the following:
- Transportation to/from War
- Clothing
- Tentage
Short War Caravan Considerations
- Travel timing including vehicles
- Travel space: Sending a tent/garb/armor/weapons/supplies ahead?
- Tenting considerations - are they staying with someone already set-up?