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The Incipient Stronghold of Hellsgate of the Barony of Bryn Gwlad is at Fort Hood, in Bell County, Texas, and in the Southern Region of Ansteorra.

Representatives of a group wishing to form a branch in the Fort Hood area approached the Barony of Bryn Gwlad late in 2008 to discuss the possibility of sponsorship. By February of the next year they had begun actively working toward earning official recognition as a branch. On Saturday, October 24th, 2009, during evening court at Bryn Gwlad's 30th anniversary event, the establishment of the Incipient Stronghold of Hellsgate was announced.

The name Hellsgate is a reference to Fort Hood's status as a primary point of embarkation for soldiers being deployed to the Middle East. Coenred æt Rauenesdale (who at the time was stationed at Fort Hood) researched and documented it and submitted Company of Hellsgate as a household name. It was registered in November of 2008, and transfered to Ioannes Dalassenos in December of 2009 (after Coenred was transfered outside the area). When the stronghold reached incipient status and the proper petitions of support had been signed by its members, the paperwork necessary to change the designator from Company to Incipient Stronghold and to transfer ownership from Ioannes to the branch was filed. The sovereigns of arms have yet to rule on the submission.