Quintus Aurelius Dracontius

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Registered Name: Quintus Aurelius Dracontius
Resides: Elfsea
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1992
Order of Precedence
Alaric Drake

Per pale azure and sable, a roundel enchancré Or.

His Grace, Duke Quintus Aurelius Dracontius, CSS, KSCA, Defender of the Dream

Previously Known As:
Nickname(s): Alaric Drake, Drake

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Prior Constable
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • King of Ansteorra
  • Society Offices Held
    • Director, SCA Board of Directors
    • Chairman, SCA Board of Directors

Persona History:

Duke Quintus Aurelius Dracontius was born of noble parents during the early Republican period. Upon reaching adulthood, he grudgingly accepting the responsibility of Roman military service and slowly rose within the ranks of his Legion. He eventually earned the rank of Tribunus Militum, surprising everyone…himself included. Not the most renowned military commander, he was subsequently stationed in far-flung Britannia. While exiled to that barbarian-filled bog island, he grew to particularly detest the cold climate (and necessity to don the terribly low-class braccae required to cover his freezing legs). He eventually won his transfer from that dreadful province and was finally assigned a military ambassadorship to the much more acceptable Mediterranean climate of Ansteorra. He hopes to retire in this post, passing the days training troops in the science of sword and scutum combat.


Fighting, training others, service to the Kingdom and Society

Timeline of Activity:

I first became active within the SCA in the (then) Shire of Terra Pomaria, Kingdom of An Tir, in the fall of 1992. I attended a couple of events and tried desperately to ascertain the location of group gatherings. Life before the internet was not easy in this regard. As it turns out, mundane life relocated me to the plains of western Ansteorra during the following Spring. Here, within the Barony of Bonwicke (Lubbock, TX), I was far more successful in connecting with the fabric of SCA life. Indeed, within a month of joining this wonderful Barony, I had already become the deputy Seneschal.

As likely happened with many of us, I entirely immersed myself within Society life during my first many years. Within a year I became Seneschal of the Barony and, following a full term in that office, assumed the responsibility of serving as Baron. This was a particularly busy time in my Society career, as the Baron and Baroness of Bonwicke were the sole nobles within the western half of Texas. As such, the administration and court duties of the entire region fell upon this office. It was a wild time, as we held about 12 courts every year on behalf of the Crown of Ansteorra, giving out all non-Peerage/nobility awards in their name.

This service certainly prepared by for my time as Crown of Ansteorra, as I simultaneously had also devoted myself to an absolute love of chivalric combat. Indeed, it is highly likely that I spent a little too much time practicing and training during my first decade within the Society. Be that as it may, my skill grew with each passing month and soon after stepping down from the Baronial throne I was granted Knighthood within the Society. Within the subsequent year, I won my first Crown.

Prior Groups:

  • Terra Pomaria, Kingdom of An Tir
  • Barony of Bonwicke

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Two time King's Champion (Gunthar I, Miguel II)
  • Twice Sovereign of Ansteorra
  • Prior Baron of Bonwicke
  • Service on the Society BoD

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Quintus has a uniqueness about his heraldry, in that his are the only arms that have the roundel enchancré. After his device passed, they were ruled an inadmissible element, and no others were permitted.


Mundane Information:

I owe the Society so very much. I met my wonderful wife here and the vast majority of my friends have been found within our group.

Name: Craig Carter
Location: Grapevine, Texas

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: