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Office of the Seneschal

The seneschal acts as the administrative head of the group. Every local group is required to have a seneschal who reports to the kingdom's seneschal.

Kingdom Seneschal

Regional Seneschals
Branch Officers
Deputy Officers

Minister of the List or Constable: In charge of maintaining and tracking liability waivers for events and combat activities.

Office of the Reeve

The treasurer, also known as the Chancellor of the Exchequer (from the British office), handles the financial matters of the group. Every local group is required to have one. The Society Chancellor of the Exchequer, who administrates the kingdom and local reeves, reports to the Society Treasurer who handles the corporate finances.

Kingdom Exchequer

Regional Officers
Branch Officers

Non-Member Surcharge (NMS) Deputy: Aldric de Kerr

Deputy Officers

Office of the Herald

This officer is in charge of heraldic activities, such as the creation and registration of names and arms. Each kingdom has a College of Heralds which prepares submissions to go to the Society College of Arms, headed by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms.

Star Principal Heralds of Ansteorra

Office of the Hospitaller

In charge of welcoming and facilitating new participants into the SCA including recruiting, onboarding, and transitioning members from other branches.

Hospitallers of Ansteorra

Office of the Arts and Sciences

In charge of the arts and sciences, facilitating classes, displays, and competitions in all the different areas possible. [blech, somebody fix this description]

Arts & Sciences Ministers of Ansteorra

Office of the Chirurgeon

In charge of safety and modern first aid. This officer must have certification for some form of medical training outside the Society, with the minimum being Basic First Aid and CPR. Persons serving as Chirurgeons work under the "Good Samaritan" principal providing only first aid and either calling for Emergency Medical Services, or advising sick or injured persons to seek medical care on their own if they have injuries or illnesses that are beyond the scope of First Aid to treat. At some large events, such as Pennsic and Estrella Wars, EMS personnel stand by on site for the duration of the event. While the SCA does not take on the responsibility for providing medical care, it does encourage those who have medical training to voluntarily be available at events in case of injury or sudden illness.

Chirurgeons of Ansteorra

Knight Marshal

Knight Marshal: The combat supervisor, the knight marshal administrates Armored Combat (rattan and armor) activities for the group. A local group is required to have one in order to host combat activities.

Earl Marshals of Ansteorra

Rapier Marshal; Supervises rapier (fencing) activities for the group.

Office of the Chronicler

The Chronicler Produces and edits the group's newsletter. The Society Chronicler monitors each of the kingdom and local group's chroniclers, while the SCA's two organization-wide publications, Tournaments Illuminated and The Compleat Anachronist, each have their own editor-in-chief.

Chroniclers of Ansteorra

Minister of Children

Arranging and officiating children's activities. Sometimes known as Minister of Youth.

Office of the Historians

Those that keep the past intact, that it might inform and enrich the present middle ages.

Kingdom Historian

The Kingdom Historian is the coordinating force for all the other historians, as well as the keeper of the physical records of the kingdom. In order to become the kingdom Historian you must apply to the post and have the physical space to store all the physical documents.

The Kingdom historian's term lasts like most officers for two years. However, this office is often extended due to large projects of whichever historian is in office at the time. Mistress Annes, the current historian, held the office for 5 years. She had taken it over in a badly neglected state. There were many projects she got off the ground, such as getting a webpage for the historian on the Ansteorra website, tripling the amount of historians at local levels and setting up a regional system of officers.

Then Master Robert Fitzmorgan held it for 4 years. During his tenure, he completely revamped the paper filing system with the history eventually filling 27 tubs of materials. He also was the creator of this wiki.

Mistress Annes took the office back because of unfinished business that she could not accomplish the first time. Her private goal is to scan all 27 tubs of paper into electronic form. After that, if the paper deteriorates beyond reading as it is already doing, the history can still be studied and learned from by future historians.

Their official duties are to keep the past history (obviously) and to keep people's interest in keeping their present history of the group and the kingdom. Not so official duties are serving as the memory of the kingdom, organizing museums at Kingdom Anniversary events and teaching about how to be a historian to those wanting to become historians for their group.

  • Current officer: Annes Clotilde von Bamburg (Darlene Burns)
Regional Officers

Regional historians are appointed by.... Their terms last .... Their duties include....

Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Branch Officers
Deputy Officers


Derived from webmaster, this officer is in charge of maintaining the Internet presence of the group.

Webministers of Ansteorra