Beatrix Funteyn

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Registered Name: Beatrix Funteyn
Resides: Bonwicke
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2003
Order of Precedence
Beatrix Funteyn

Vert, a fountain between three bees proper.

Her Excellency, Baroness Beatrix Funteyn

Previously Known As:
Pronouns: She/Her
Pronounced "BEE-a-TRIX fun-TAYN"

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Baronial Chronicler, Barony of Bonwicke, August 2015 - May 2018
    • Baronial Exchequer, Barony of Bonwicke, June 2018 - July 2020
    • Baronial Herald, Barony of Bonwicke September 2020 - September 2021

  • Regional Offices Held
    • Central Regional Chronicler, April 2018 - February 2021

  • Kingdom Offices Held:
    • Kingdom Chronicler, The Black Star - July 2021 - Present

Persona History:

Mid 14th-Century English/French.
16th Century English.
16th Century Florentine


  • Fiber Arts:
    • Inkle Weaving
    • Blackwork embroidery
    • Embroidery (general)
    • Knitting
    • Spinning wool (drop spindle and wheel)
    • Fingerloop braiding
  • Garment construction
    • Handsewing
    • Garment mending
  • Women's head coverings (veils, hats)
  • Pyrography
  • Viking wire weaving
  • Silk banner painting
  • Inter-Kingdom Anthropology
  • Courtly Graces
  • Beeswax candles

Class Handouts:

  • File:How To Make a Three Strand Braided Circlet by Beatrix Funteyn.pdf
  • Introduction to Blackwork Embroidery
  • Making Self-Stuffing Buttons
  • Field Guide to Coronets and appropriate forms of address
  • Attending your first SCA Court
  • Handsewing techniques for garment construction
  • How to talk to people at Demos
  • Introduction to Inkle Weaving
  • SCA 101 - Who we are, Who we were, and who we want to be
  • How to host a Solar / Salon
  • Introduction to Viking Wire weaving

Timeline of Activity:

  • Fall 2003: Joined Aurei Scientiae Campi (Later Scarlett Keep) student group at the University of Nebraska.
  • September 2003: Attended first event, Cattle Raids, in Mag Mor.
  • June 2007-March 2008: Served on entourage during the reign of Angelo Paulo Cavelli and Jane Corwin.
  • July 2008: Indentured by Jane Corwin at Raid or Trade in Coeur D'Ennui.
  • August 2008: Moved to the Barony of Bonwicke in Ansteorra
  • May 2018: Taken as a foster apprentice by Master Haraldr Bassi at Steppes Warlord.
  • January 2022: Foster apprenticeship transferred to Maestra Tatiana Verlioni at Kingdom Arts & Sciences.

Prior Groups:

  • Barony of Mag Mor, Kingdom of Calontir.

Populace Provided Information:


There are those people in our Society that embody not only its ideals, but who amplify joy and excitement. Beatrix is one such person. Her exquisite explorations of the arts inspire those around her - but the greatest gift she shares with us is her positivity, encouragement and enthusiasm. Ansteorra is blessed by her presence, and I am blessed by her friendship.

Koke Gan

Beatrix is the busiest of bees! She flits around bringing joy to those who are graced by her presence. Where can you find her at an event? Usually nowhere! She very rarely sits still long enough to find her anywhere! I did once spot her napping, what a rare sight! She is one of the most positive and enthusiastic people you could ever meet here! She is just as energetic and happy to pitch in with work as well, make everything appear to be effortless! I am so pleased to call her a friend.


Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • June 2007 - March 2008: entourage for Angelo Paulo Cavelli and Jane Corwin (Calontir)
  • January 2015 - February 2016: Baronial Arts Champion for Bonwicke
  • February 2016 to June 2017: Bardic Champion for Bonwicke
  • June 2018 to June 2019: Bardic Champion for Bonwicke
  • October 2016 - October 2017: Baronial Arts Champion for Eldern Hills
  • May 2020 - Winner of the Advanced category for the Embroidery Challenge at the Spring in our Steppes E-Vent
  • May 2021 - Winner of the Advanced category for the Embroidery Challenge at the Steppes Wool-Lord event
  • June 2022 - June 2023 bardic champion for Eldern Hills, awarded at Two Artisans, Two Bards, June 25, 2022.

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Awarded the Golden Needle of Bonwicke by Baron Gerold von Drachenhohle and Baroness Gianetta Malatesta at Bonwicke Artisans in January 2015
  • Admitted to the Order of the Western Cross by Baron Gerold von Drachenhohle and Baroness Gianetta Malatesta at the first Braggart's War in September 2017
  • Awarded the Crimson Tear of Bonwicke by Alusch Annika von dem Sternen and Baroness Eleanor Bonwicke in June 2021.
  • Awarded the Green Zule by the Barony of Endless Hills, Kingdom of Aethelmearc in January 2022


  • Indentured (Apprenticed) to Countess Jane Corwin (Calontir)
  • Foster-Apprentice to Maestra Tatiana Verlioni

Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: