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===Timeline of Activity:===
===Timeline of Activity:===
Attended first event on June 8, 2018 - King's College.<BR>
Attended first event on June 8, 2018 - King's College.<BR>
====The Tale of the Waterbearer vs the Warrior:====
So, I'm 4 hours into a solo waterbearing shift at Braggart's War  (my 4th event ever), and 3 hours and 30 minutes past my patience. I have learned in spectacularly quick fashion, just exactly how stubborn knights can be. I have, over the course of the last 4 hours, connived, cajoled, and outright threatened all but one person on this field into hydrating or partaking in some form of food. At this point in the story, I am a sweaty, tired, temperamental and very very annoyed individual. And this one person, this one knight, has not had a single drink of water, nor a single bite of food. So I both worried, upset, and deeply deeply frustrated by my inability to do what I perceived to be my "God Given, Hydration Related, Mandate."<BR><BR>
Namely? Get water down their throats and try to get them to eat an orange or two.  So, I decided to pull out the big guns. I go up to Duke (now Prince) [[Jason Drysdale]], and calmly, sweetly, and with all the venom in the world, ask what kind of herculean task I must take upon myself to get this particular knight to drink. <BR><BR>
Jason tells me that this particular knight will only drink bottled water from his camp, and then he tells me where the knight's camp is.  So I hustle myself clear across the site (in record time, might I add!) and retrieved half a dozen bottles of water from a very confused Lady. I then hustle myself back, and having run what was quite possibly a mile in roughly 11 minutes, I am '''tired'''. <BR><BR>
So I walk/stagger up to this Knight, make eye contact with Prince Jason, and say "Here's your water. Drink.  ... Sir."<BR><BR>
He turns and looks at Prince Jason, Jason glares at him, I glare at him, and he drinks.<BR><BR>
"Great!" I think to myself "Now that he's drunk, surely he will continue to!"  I was wrong.<BR><BR>
30 minutes later, he hasn't finished the first bottle of water.  I take it upon myself to forcibly remind him of it's existence. Namely by glaring and miming drinking. This does not work. I try more techniques, like asking Prince Jason to make sure he does. He does not.  Finally, it's nearly sunset, and I. Have. Had. It. <BR><BR>
This knight has his helm on, so I know I will cause him no injury.  I yeet the water. The bottle collides with his helm, and makes a glorious, glorious sound. "THONK"<BR><BR>
He turns, confused. And what does he spy? But lo, a short, tired, pissed off woman. With another bottle of water in her hands.  He, slowly, slowly, bends over, picks up the bottle I chucked at him. Takes off his helm, unscrews the lid, and drinks the whole thing in 30 seconds. I proceed to smile, hand him another bottle, and say "Thank you, Sir." With all the best voice customer service can manage.<BR>

Revision as of 12:11, 23 December 2021


Registered Name: Martin Glantz von Drueß
Resides: Out of Kingdom
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2018
Order of Precedence
Martin Glantz von Drueß

Quarterly argent and vert, on a fess embattled counter-embattled sable three mullets of ten points argent.

Gentle Martin Glantz von Drueß

Previously Known As: Brenna Densdottir, Jóra Dennisdottir
Nickname(s): Martin, Crimes, Gnome
Pronouns: They/She
This Gentle prefers the title 'Gentle' instead of Laird/Lord/Lady

Additional Registered Heraldry:


Persona History:


  • Inkle and Loom Weaving
  • Cooking & Baking
  • Jewelry Making
  • Metalworking
  • Storytelling
  • Embroidery
  • Sewing

Timeline of Activity:

Attended first event on June 8, 2018 - King's College.

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Can be found via mundane name (Lily Hedges) on Facebook and Instagram.

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: