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*Budget Lead for the upcoming PPF 2020: Beyond the Wall  
*Budget Lead for the upcoming PPF 2020: Beyond the Wall  
**''PPF stands for Perfectly Period Feast, though in this instance it is Plausibly Period Feast. This will be an enchanted ground type Viking Age play space in the Winter of 2020''
**''PPF stands for Perfectly Period Feast, though in this instance it is Plausibly Period Feast. This will be an enchanted ground type Viking Age play space in the Winter of 2020 in Alaska''
*Site Liaison, Oertha Summer Coronet, 2017
*Site Liaison, Oertha Summer Coronet, 2017
*Royal Liaison, Oertha Winter Coronet and Investiture, 2017
*Royal Liaison, Oertha Winter Coronet and Investiture, 2017

Revision as of 16:16, 13 August 2018


2017 Gulf Wars Meridian Rose Tourney
Registered Name: Violet Tailyeaour
Resides: Barony of Eldern Hills
Status: Active
Joined SCA: August 2004, Fall Potrero War, Caid
Order of Precedence
Kingdom of Ansteorra
Kingdom of the West
Kingdom of Meridies

Purpure, a sea-goat and on a chief argent a thistle between two cinquefoils purpure.

Viscountess Violet Tailyeaour

Cha deoch-slàint, i gun a tràghadh.
Violet is wed to Viscount Duncan ap Llywellyn and their son Tristan Duncanson was born in the far-off Outlands. Violet's first adventures in the Society began in August 2004 in the Barony of Calafia in the Kingdom of Caid. This is where she fell in love with both the Society and her now husband. Then onward to the Barony of Dragonsspine, Kingdom of the Outlands in the Spring of 2006, the Shire of Forth Castle, Kingdom of Meridies in the Spring of 2009, then to the Barony of Winter's Gate, Kingdom of the West in the Spring of 2015, and now to the Barony of Eldern Hills in the Kingdom of Ansteorra in the summer of 2018.

Offices and Positions:

  • Local Offices Held
    • Exchequer, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - January 2018-July 2018
    • Exchequer, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - July 2016-July 2017
    • Deputy Exchequer, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - February 2016-July 2016
    • Reeve (Exchequer), Shire of Forth Castle, Kingdom of Meridies - January 2014– March 2015
    • Webminister, Shire of Forth Castle, Kingdom of Meridies - January 2014– March 2015
  • Regional Offices held
    • Webminister, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - January 2018-July 2018
    • Deputy Exchequer, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - January 2018-July 2018
    • 66th Princess of Oertha - August 2017-January 2018
    • Lady Borealis - July 2017-August 2017
    • Deputy Exchequer, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - January 2017-July 2017
    • Webminister, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - July 2016-July 2017
    • Deputy Webminister, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West - January 2016-July 2016
    • 62nd Princess of Oertha - July 2015-January 2016
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • (List Kingdom offices here)

Persona History:

Violet is originally from the Perthshire port area of Scotland in the 12th Century AD, but she fell in love with Viking Age clothing, textiles, and accessories.


Violet enjoys costuming, shenanigans, lampworking, mixology, illumination, and experiments with whatever else happens to tickle her fancy.

Prior Groups

Barony of Calafia, Kingdom of Caid
Barony of Dragonsspine, Kingdom of the Outlands
Shire of Forth Castle, Kingdom of Meridies
Barony of Winter's Gate, Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West

Populace Provided Information:

This section is for OTHER people to share stories and trivia and information about you -- ie, their own personal perspective. This information should be phrased appropriately, and abusive Populace Provided information will be deleted by an Administrator.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Awards and Honors

  • Viscounty, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, January 17, 2016 (Prince Shawn and Princess Arabella)
    • A Viscount or Viscountess is a person who has served as Prince or Princess of a Principality at least once. Viscounty Coronets are in no way defined, but are a matter of personal taste. They normally reflect some element of the Principality Arms, plus personal decoration. Viscounts and Viscountesses are Royal Peers by Letters Patent.
  • Leaf of Merit, Kingdom of the West, January 22, 2017 (King Roger and Queen Zanobia)
  • Rose Leaf, Kingdom of the West, January 21, 2018 (King Hans and Queen Helga)
    • There are three “Leaves of Achievement” given within the Kingdom of the West. By Kingdom Law, the Leaves of Achievement carry the same precedent amongst themselves (one leaf does not carry a higher rank than any other).
      • The Order of the Leaf of Merit is given for service. This is given at the wish of Their Majesties or Their Highnesses, but often upon recommendation by knowledgeable people. The token for this is a cast pewter laurel leaf pendant. Sometimes abbreviated: OLM.
      • The Order of the Rose Leaf is given for expertise in the arts or sciences This is given at the wish of Their Majesties or Their Highnesses, but often upon recommendation by knowledgeable people. The token for this award is a pendant (in various media) in the shape of a rose leaf for the Rose Leaf. Sometimes abbreviated: ORL.
  • Court Barony, Kingdom of Meridies, September 13, 2014 (King Adhemar and Queen Sorcha)
    • This title is given, as an addition to any other titles, by Their Majesties, for whatever reason They wish. They wear a coronet of their own design, often six points and decorated with pearls in addition to some personal insignia
  • Award of Arms, Kingdom of Meridies, April 5, 2014 (King Adhemar and Queen Sorcha)
    • Awards of Arms are given at the pleasure of the Crown. An Award of Arms is the first level of “armigerous” award. (It confers the right to bear arms.) It is given usually for service or other significant contribution to the well-being of the Kingdom or Principality, usually at the local level.
  • Sovereign’s Pleasure, Kingdom of Meridies, May 31, 2014 (King Adhemar)
    • Given by the sovereign to those who have personally served him/her well, truly, and faithfully. Members may place the initials CKP after their names. The order’s token is a ring, selected by the Sovereign
  • Crown’s Favor, Kingdom of the West, December 17, 2016 (Queen Eilis and King Alfar)
    • Given to recognize those who contribute to the well-being of Their Majesties and of the Kingdom of the West. The token of this award is a cast pendant with crowns on either side.
  • Queen’s Cypher, Kingdom of the West, January 7, 2017 (Queen Eilis)
  • Queen’s Cypher, Kingdom of the West, January 7, 2018 (Queen Annora)
    • This award is given to those who have been thoughtful and helpful personally to the Queen. The QC recipients may wear a medallion which is personalized from Queen to Queen, normally in the shape of her initials. It is quite possible for a person to be given several QCs.
  • Order of the Guiding Hand, Kingdom of Meridies, April 5, 2014 (King Adhemar and Queen Sorcha)
    • Given to those who have served the kingdom well and faithfully by giving encouragement and assistance to newcomers and any in need. Members may place the initials CGHM after their names. The order’s badge is: Argent on an egg sable the Lombardic uppercase letter M argent.
  • Queen’s Treasure, Kingdom of the West, August 27, 2016 (Queen Ivone)
    • The Order of the Queen’s Treasure is offered by the Queen to those who, by their consistent efforts in creating various works and providing such items to the Crown to use as gifts to others, greatly contribute to the Crown’s ability to show largesse. The token for this award shall be a treasure chest depending from a ribbon of kingdom colors.
  • Oerthan Order of Grace, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, January 21, 2017 (Prince Kenric and Princess Dagmar)
    • This award is given for exceptional grace and courtesy. The badge is: Quarterly argent and Or, a snowflake azure. The token is a snowflake pendant in some medium dependant from a ribbon in Principality colors (blue and white).
  • Diamond Willow, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, July 17, 2016 (Prince Shawn and Princess Arabella)
    • This is given for service to the Principality. Members of this order are givena diamond carved from diamond willow to wear as a pendant, or a more ‘jewelry’ like form of pendant.
  • Snowy Owl, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, February 17, 2018 (Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakhan)
    • This is given for arts and sciences within the Principality. Members of this order are given a blue glass bead etched with a feather, or a snowy owl in flight, hung from a cord in Principality colors (Blue and White).
  • Holders of the Heart of Oertha, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, January 17, 2016 (Prince Shawn and Princess Arabella)
    • This is a companionship of past Ladies of the Snow and past consorts of the victor of the Coronet (there have been, to date, two Prince Consorts in Oertha). The token for this is a small (usually carved wooden) heart hung from a ribbon.
  • Coronet’s Favor, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, July 17, 2016 (Prince Shawn and Princess Arabella)
    • Given to recognize those who contribute to the well-being of the Coronet. The token of this award shall be determined by the Coronet.
  • Princess’ Riband, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, January 22, 2017 (Princess Dagmar)
    • The Princess’ Riband to any of Her subjects whose talents and unstinting service have uniquely enriched the Princess’ reign. The Riband holds no precedence and may be given to the same person as many times as various princesses deem he or she is worthy. The token for this award shall be uniquely determined by the Princess bestowing it.
  • Order of the Wandering Wolves, Principality of Oertha, West Kingdom, May 26, 2018 (Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakhan)
    • Granted to those who have contributed to the Principality of Oertha, but had to move due to non-SCA requirements. The token is an argent wolf passant, head erect.
  • Honor of the Coeur d’Azur, Principality of the Mists, West Kingdom, January 20, 2018 (Prince Tuomos and Prince Consort Snorri)
    • This honor is given to those individuals, wherever situate, who have shown great courage, service or courtesy that has enriched the Principality and inspired the Populace of the Mists. The token a pendant of a blue heart.
  • Silver Swan, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Kingdom of the West, September 4, 2016 (Baron Braun and Baroness Cempestra)
    • Given not only to those who produce arts and sciences that clothe us, feed us, armor us, and entertain us, but also to the historians who research, teach and publish. The symbol of this award is a silver swan suspended from a cord with baronial colors.
  • Baroness’ Recognition, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Kingdom of the West, September 3, 2016 (Baroness Cempestra)
    • Given for service which the Baroness would have to have done Herself, or for service for Her Excellency, a token of appreciation. This can be given multiple times. The token is individually chosen.
  • Order of the Atlas, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Kingdom of the West, March 4, 2017 (Baron Braun and Baroness Cempestra) Passed from Mistress Sapphira the Navigator.
    • Given to people who work quietly in the background. The token is a piece of material with an atlas painted on it, meant to be worn as a belt token. Current recipients are charged to pass the recognition on to new recipients. This award is given by members of its order and not by the Baron and Baroness.
  • Order of the Estoile, Barony of Winter’s Gate, Kingdom of the West, June 17, 2018 (Baron Hans and Baroness Elena)
    • Given for long-term service to the Barony. People receiving this award have usually been members of the barony for several years, have held one or more offices, are often instrumental in keeping the baronial activities on track, and are examples for all to follow. The token is an embroidered medallion of the badge for the order: Sable, an estoile voided and a bordure argent.
  • Token of Recognition, Radiant Tower of Forth Castle, Shire of Forth Castle
    • Blue Ribbon of the Newcomer: Those that are new to the shire that have jumped in with both feet to help out the shire as a whole.
    • Yellow Ribbon for Service: Those that have enriched the shire through hard work and dedication.
    • Green Ribbon for A&S: Those that embrace the world of arts and science and that have dedicated time and energy to create in the ways of history
    • Purple Ribbon for Dressed to Kill: Those that have worked tirelessly to create a killer wardrobe.


  • Budget Lead for the upcoming PPF 2020: Beyond the Wall
    • PPF stands for Perfectly Period Feast, though in this instance it is Plausibly Period Feast. This will be an enchanted ground type Viking Age play space in the Winter of 2020 in Alaska
  • Site Liaison, Oertha Summer Coronet, 2017
  • Royal Liaison, Oertha Winter Coronet and Investiture, 2017
  • Began website transition for the Principality of Oertha to the unified system utilized by the West Kingdom
  • Regalia gift of haversacks for the Principality of Oertha Royalty
  • Event Steward/Autocrat, Winter’s Gate Fall Captaincy, 2016
  • Lady of the Chamber, Kenric V and Dagmar III of Oertha
  • Lady of the Chamber, Shawn II and Arabella II of Oertha
  • TRH Entourage Court of Adhemar II and Elina of Meridies
  • TRM Entourage Court of Adhemar and Sorcha of Meridies
  • New Baronial Coronet Regalia Committee, Winter’s Gate
  • Coordinated successful “Coffee Salon” fundraiser, Jour d’Amore (Meridies)
  • Coordinated coronation gifts for Royalty on behalf of local group, Shire of Forth Castle
  • Regularly host open house sewing and project days at my house
  • Inter-kingdom Anthropology assistance for new residents
  • Complete redesign of website for the Shire of Forth Castle
  • Contribution of Largess to principality coffers, Oertha
  • Contribution to War Shield Gift for Kingdom, Meridies
  • Encourage newcomers to participate by providing loaner equipment and clothing
  • Fighter support and encouragement
  • Founder of the Facebook Group for Military SCAdians

Classes Taught and Instruction Given

  • Introduction to Rectangular Construction Methods
  • Fitted Viking Apron Dress using Period Construction
  • Herjolfsnes Gown Construction
  • Extended Methods of Rectangular Construction
  • How to Make a Dayshade for the Tourney Field
  • Precedence and Protocol for Beginners, or “What are they wearing on their head?”
  • SCA Costuming for Beginners, or “Elf Ears aren’t historical?”
  • Elementary lampworking


Household of Bloody Ridge
Friend of Drafn Warband (Blue Border)

Spouse to: Duncan ap Llywellyn


Book of Face:
West Kingdom Who's Who:

You can add more categories by doing double brackets, the word Category: and applicable descriptors, such as the group you are in, Peerages, etc. For a list of available categories, visit: