Triumphe Feast Steward's Little Helper
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So, someone tagged you to do Feast - or you volunteered. Yay! But, where to begin... This is a work in progress as my attention span holds. Lemme know if you run into this and want content added or removed - your additions are helpful and will jog me back into working on this! Email to <>.
- --Elsa 11:36, 31 August 2012 (PDT) Minor updates.
- --Elsa 08:44, 11 September 2012 (PDT)
- --Elsa (talk) 08:11, 18 April 2013 (PDT) Hopefully drastic updates to be completed ahead of the Triumphe VIII bid date.
Feast Steward 101
Job Description:
- To feed lots of our friends at an event in a danger/disease-free environment.
- To provide safe, comfortable, well-fed working conditions for your Kitchen crew.
- To promote the eating of tasty foods at an event!
How to Make That Happen
Kitchen Jobs:
- Feast Steward and Head Cook (or "Second")
- Recipe consultation and oversight
- Timing
- Consultation on plating (you'll want someone you trust to do the actual plating so you can continue to watch timing/recipes)
- Head Server. Feast Server Wrangler (should NOT be someone with a "real" job in the kitchen during the day - but can be someone helping as needed). After this person is appointed, you'll need to communicate the following:
- Total Number of People to be served
- Number of Tables you want to serve
- Will they work with a Feast Herald?
Resources: Things needed, including groceries and tools. Specialty tools to order. Don't forget about stuff in your house! Kitchen space: Countertops, Ovens, Fridge Serving considerations: Number/size of tables you'll be serving (how many people to put at each will directly affect how many you serve, how you plate it).
Points to Think About
This is a "catchall" list of things I want to address but haven't gotten to yet - so that's why some points are broadly generic and others are minutely specific.
- What are you serving?
- How are you making it?
- What is your budget?
- What do you need to make your plan happen?
- What kind of time will that take?
Musicians. Are they playing? Are you supporting them? Where will they be set up?