The "Vox Eius Gloriosum" and the "Vox Populi" Voice Heraldry Competions

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The first Vox Eius Gloriosum Competition took place at the Ansteorran Summer Crown in 2018 during the reign of Jason Drysdale II and Margherita de Mantua II. It was organized by Inez Alfon and the first holder of the title was Robin Carrot. The second Vox Eius competition was held in 2020 and the title went to Alric Godwynson. The year 2020 was also the start of the Vox Populi competition, created by Robin Carrot to give more opportunities for recognition for voice heralds. Alric Godwynson was the first holder of the Vox Populi title.

The current holder of the competition titles are Leandra Drago Forte who should the Vox Eius title and Edward of the Forest who hold the Vox Populi title.

The purpose of the Vox Eius Gloriosum Voice Heraldry Championship and the Vox Populi Voice Heraldry competition is: · to encourage the development and presence of Voice Heraldry in the Kingdom of Ansteorra · to inspire experienced voice heralds to share their experience and enthusiasm for Voice Heraldry with the kingdom and aspiring voice heralds and · to inspire new voice heralds with drive and enthusiasm to pursue Voice Heraldry

Competition Rules



2018 Vox Eius Robin Carrot

2020 Vox Eius Alric Godwynson

2020 Vox Populi Alric Godwynson

2022 Vox Eius Leandra Drago Forte

2022 Vox Populi Edward of the Forest
