Kateline de Lys

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Registered Name: Kateline de Lys
Resides: Ansteorra, Bjornsborg
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1994
Order of Precedence
Kateline d'Lys

Azure, a cat salient between two fleurs-de-lys in bend sinister Or.

Lady Kateline de Lys

Pronounciation: "CAT-a-lean de Lees" Nickname(s): Kitty
Previously Known As:

Other Registered Heraldry


  • Local Offices Held
    • Hospitaler
  • Regional Offices held
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Deputy of the Hospitaler

Persona History:


Lampworking (bead making), Lucet, Vikings, Costuming, Sewing, Needlework, Soap Making, etc.


Timeline of Activity:

1994-2020 with a break of 13 Years in Between.

Prior Groups

Shire of Brad Leah 1994, Barony of Bjornsborg 1998, Shire of Ffynnon Gath 2003, Barony of Bjornsborg 2020.

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions


Mundane Information:

In Case of Court

Will need help up if asked to kneel.

Special Needs

Cannot stand in one place for long lengths of time.