Geoffrey Rufus D’Alton

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Registered Name: Geoffrey Rufus d'Alton
Resides: Steppes
Status: Inactive
Joined SCA: 1978
Order of Precedence
Atlantia OP
Pean, in pale a unicorn's head erased reversed Or and a compass star argent.

Baron Geoffrey Rufus D’Alton

Previously Known As:

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Herald, Shire of Curragh Mor (USS Nimitz), Atlantia
    • Seneschal, Shire of Curragh Mor (USS Nimitz), Atlantia
    • Knight Marshal, Barony of Marinus, Atlantia

Persona History:

Mid 14th Century Great Britain.

I was born in the year 1320 in Ireland. I spent my formative years in England and Ireland whilst my father was banished from France (D’Alton). Specifics of banishment were vague but were related to some sort of dalliance with a female companion of Prince Phillip. My father gained favor with Edward II for his support of Hugh Despenser and received a manor house near Bedford. Being a younger son I was destined for the clergy and received several years of training it Grovebury in Bedford. Being a cleric wasn’t my cup of tea so I escaped my fate and entered training in arms at Bedford court around 1337. By 1339 I was in France burning villages and laying siege to castles. I was at the battle of Sluys, in 1340, and nearly drowned thanks to seasickness. It’s hard to fight while….wooozy. I returned home to the manor and tried my hand at domestic life but when the Earl of Northampton went back to France I was with him at Crecy in 1346. I returned home to help quell some Scottish rabble in 1347 then farmed peaceably until 1355 when I returned to France for the siege of Carcassone and the battle near Poitiers in 1356. I returned to England as part of the escort for the captured King John of France. I made a pilgrimage to the Holy land journeying through Avignon, Palma, Rome, Athens and Byzantium starting in 1360.


  • Brewing
  • Martial Arts
  • Armoring
  • History

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

  • City State of Marinus 1978
  • Shire of Curragh Mor 1979ish – 1982
  • Province of Marinus 1982 - 1987
  • Barony of Marinus 1987 – 1995
  • Barony of The Steppes 1995 - Present

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


  • Squire in House Wulfherson (Count Sir Knarlic Wulfherson)

Mundane Information:

Mundanely - Stephen Weaver

  • 20 years US Navy
  • AS in Computer Info Sys, Tidewater Community College, Va Bch,Va
  • BS in Mgmt Info Sys, Dallas Baptist Univ, Dallas, TX
  • Employed since late 1995 with SBC/Cingular/AT&T and currently in the Uverse Division of AT&T.

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: