Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova

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Registered Name: Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova
Resides: Wiesenfeuer
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1992
Order of Precedence
Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova

Azure, on a chevron inverted sable fimbriated three spur-rowels argent.

Voevodsha Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova

(As a Baroness, Branislava prefers to use the Russian form of "Excellency", "Voevodsha.")


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Chronicler, Wiesenfeuer
    • Prior Deputy Herald (submissions), Wiesenfeuer
    • Prior Minister of A&S, Wiesenfeuer
    • Prior Deputy Seneschal, Wiesenfeuer
    • Prior Vicaress, Wiesenfeuer
    • Prior Baroness, Wiesenfeuer

Persona History:

Branislava was born in 1245 on the outskirts of the city of Pskov, Russia. She spent her youth roaming the forest and gathering mushrooms, herbs, bones, and other curiosities. Her father, Kiril, is a local hunter and craftsman. He served in the local militia who fought along side Alexander Nevsky in the battle against the Teutonic Knights in 1241. Her mother, Vasara, is of Estonian descent and is known locally for her singing voice, her preserves, and her embroidery. Her brother, Vasili, took vows and serves in the scriptorum at the Mirozhsky Monastery. She enjoys cooking, creating pictures and fancy letters, relaxing with her friends, and observing the doings of fancy and important people in town.


Research, Russian Studies (specifically 12th & 13th century daily life), Russian Folklore/Mythology, Translation of source material from Russian to English, Calligraphy, Illumination, Embroidery, Beading, Lampwork, Cooking, Service

Timeline of Activity:

1992-Present (with minimal activity from 1997-2001 due to college)

Populace Provided Information:

Kyna Terricsdottir

Branislava, while living in Russia, may or may not have joined the Russian Mob. No one really knows, but she came back a changed woman.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Numerous feasts for the Barony of Wiesenfeuer and behind-the-scenes help on feasts literally everywhere…
Numerous sideboards, noble luncheons, vigil nibbles, taverns, camp meals, and general feeding of people…
Founding member of Firestorm Ink
Creation of, and the illumination and/or calligraphy on several original scrolls and charters
Royal Gift Coordinator, Royal Wrangler, Silent Auction Coordinator
Sat the Baronial Chairs and survived, managed to help form two Cantons at the same time…


Member, House Wolfstar
Member, Firestorm Ink
Married to Ciaran Mac Giolla Bhrighde, OL
Apprentice to Cassius Lepus
Protege to Ceridwen Tir Gwstriff

Mundane Information: