A&S Competition Preparedness, by Elsa

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I spent a minute here today. --Elsa (talk) 11:31, 30 April 2013 (PDT)


Things common to all A&S displays, however formal (or not).

Before the Event

  • 1. Lay out the display.
  • 2. Take a picture of it.
  • 3. Change a thing or three. Repeat #2.
  • 4. Ask for opinions and implement them. Repeat #2.
  • 5. Bring your pics along while setting up at the event.

At the Event

  • Small largess pieces to leave for things that you find particularly impressive. Chocolate is acceptable.
  • Business cards are very helpful.

Display Pointers

  • Terracing is King. Vertical elements (or flat things put on pedestals) are more eye-catchy than flat things. Items of clothing make more sense on a person-shaped form.
  • Angle the upright things to point at (or "revere") the most important parts that you're showing off.

Documentation Pointers

This is less "what to put in it" and more "things to do to help you feel more confident about it."

  • Printed looks nicer than hand-written. Nicely hand-written looks better than cursive.
  • Put it in a nice binding. That'll make it stand-up to handling better, and make YOU feel more put-together.
  • A simple cover page presents a clean "face" for your written work.
  • Organize it based on the Judging Sheet. That'll help the judges follow along - and be less likely to "ding" you for something missing when it was simply put somewhere they didn't see.
  • Headers to mark out sections helps everyone follow along with what you're talking about.

Body of Work

Laurel's Prize Tourney

For the Display:

  • Arrange the terracing to allow you a little space at the back of the table (for your mug/snackies).
  • One copy of the documentation will be more than enough. Two if you're paranoid.
  • Several items in a progression of skill OR in discrete fields.

For the Artisan:

  • A notepad and pen. People will say things you'll want to remember. Also, keep a record of inspiration as it hits.
  • Portable snackie things. Portable drinks. Wet wipes. Depending on the crampedness of the site, you may not have space to move around much at all.
  • A 1-3 minute spiel about "what's going on here," easy to repeat all day long.


  • All Laurels on site (favorites)
  • The Crown (sometimes a clear winner)
  • The Populace (largess)

Steppes Artisan

For the Display:

  • Arrange the terracing to allow you a little space at the back of the table (for your mug/snackies).
  • One copy of the documentation will be more than enough. Two if you're paranoid.
  • Three items in a progression of skill or in three discrete fields.

For the Artisan:

  • A notepad and pen. People will say things you'll want to remember. Also, keep a record of inspiration as it hits.
  • Portable snackie things. Portable drinks. Wet wipes. Depending on the crampedness of the site, you may not have space to move around much at all.
  • A 1-3 minute spiel about "what's going on here," easy to repeat all day long.


  • Previous Steppes Artisan Champions.
  • An Overall winner may be chosen by the Baron and Baroness.
  • The Populace (largess)


Local Group A&S

For the Display:

  • One or two copies of the documentation - think: one for the judge to take and one to leave on the table.

For the Artisan:

  • Judged competitions may want the entrants to leave during judging, or they may want a quick discussion of what is being entered. Be prepared to give a 3-5 minute presentation on your art.


  • Could be either/both of:
    • Populace Vote
    • Judges are pre-selected, often from the following:
      • Laurels
      • Irises
      • Home-group representative(s)

Supporting Artisan

  • This style happens at BAM, Three Kings, and Valour - a "Principal" calls for Artisans to show his or her worthiness by bringing master works.

For the Display:

  • Assume it will be set-up outside (ie under a pavilion, but in the heat)
  • One copy of the Documentation unless you hear otherwise.

For the Artisan:

  • Assume that there won't be room for you to hang out near the item.


  • Will vary by event: sometimes a panel chosen by the hosting group, often including Laurels and Irises
  • Determines a "War Point" in favor of the winning Principal
  • May have a Populace Vote component

Gulf Wars Open Arts and Sciences

For the Display:

  • One copy of the documentation is enough. Shorter is better.
  • Think in terms of "flashy" and "easily comprehensible" - A poster-board display plus tools, examples, and other props are good.

For the Artisan:

  • Display set-up from 8-9am.
  • Drink water. War is hot and dusty.
  • It's suggested that you stay around in case people have questions on your work, but you don't have to.
  • Tear-down starts at 4pm (after Awards).


  • Populace Vote wins one award
  • Several awards are sponsored by households and local groups looking for specific things

Kingdom Arts and Sciences

For the Display:

  • One item (or matched pair/set of items), completed, at the top of your art "game."
  • Tools are good, and much better if they can be shown to be relevant. (Paints/dyes/grains are flashy. Sticks are less-so.)
  • Three copies of the documentation - two for your two judges, and one for the table. More detail is better, if it's well-organized. (It's easy to get distracted with minutiae.) Shorter is fine, if it's complete.

For the Artisan:

  • Something to do all day since it's Verboten to hover over your display once time is called. Not to mention, the Laurels kick non-judges out of the room during judging.
  • Consider sitting in on the Performance pieces, if that's an option.


  • The Laurels present
  • Determines Kingdom Artisan; Gulf War Artisans (10 plus 2 Alternates)
  • Other Awards: Pilgrim's Badges (score at or over 40/50); Honorable Mention

Gulf Wars Arts and Sciences Champions

For the Display:

  • Comparable to Kingdom A&S: top-level presentation
  • Three copies of documentation.

For the Artisan:

  • Competition meeting from 8-9am.
  • Tear-down at 4pm.


  • Populace Vote
  • The Laurels present
  • Determines the A&S War Point