Stewards of Guardian/Triumphe

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Note on 8-8-12:

These lists are NOT finalized and in order yet. I'm only just starting to put them together without notes. I'll add more in a few days. In the meanwhile, if you have access and want to fix information, please do! Or, if you don't have access, email me your notes and I'll do them first! My email address is

Autocrats of Guardian and Triumphe

Guardian Autocrat(s) Event Number AD AS
Talbot Guardian XIX 1999 34
Guardian XX 2000 35
Guardian XXI 2001 36
Guardian XXII 2002 37
Guardian XXIII 2003 38
Guardian XXIV 2004 39
Charles the Grey Guardian XXV 2005 40
Triumphe Autocrat(s) Event Number AD AS
Lillias MacGuffin & Liliana Byrnes Triumphe I 2006 41
Sabine Lefevre d'Armignac & Isabella Coppola Triumphe II 2007 42
Triumphe III 2008 43
Peter MacIntyre & Vladislav Strelec Triumphe IV 2009 44
Emma de Fetherstan Triumphe V 2010 45
Lillias MacGuffin & Liliana Byrnes Triumphe VI 2011 46
Reis ap Tudor & Elsa von Schammach Triumphe VII 2012 47

Feast Stewards of Guardian and Triumphe

By tradition (and the name of the cabin!) Feast Stewards are accorded the use of the Cook's Cabin for the duration of Guardian/Triumphe. Also by tradition, the Mooneschadowe Kitchen Party exists to serve the Feast Stewards of Triumphe.

Feast Steward(s) Guardian Number AD Inspiration
Gunhilda Guardian XX 2000 Above/Below the Salt
Guardian XXI 2001
Guardian XXII 2002
Magdelena with Elsa (?) Guardian XXIII 2003
Marke von Mainz with Elsa von Schammach Guardian XXIV 2004 (lots of bread)
Magdelena da Cadamosta with Elsa von Schammach Guardian XXV 2005 Elizabethan? (white sausages)
Feast Steward(s) Triumphe Number AD Inspiration
Elsa von Schammach with Aline Swynbrook Triumphe I 2006 Mahdi: Moorish
Vogna Zherebtsovia with Charles the Grey Triumphe II 2007 (bierots!)
Sabine Lefevre d'Armignac Triumphe III 2008
Triumphe IV 2009
Vogna Zherebtsovia with Elyssa de Orozco Triumphe V 2010 Mooneschadowe XXX: Booze Feast!
Haemon Metellus with Charles the Grey Triumphe VI 2011 German?
Liliana Byrnes and Lillias MacGuffin Triumphe VII 2012 Apocalypse: Russian