A&S Competition Preparedness, by Elsa: Difference between revisions

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'''For the Artisan:'''
'''For the Artisan:'''
* A 1-3 minute spiel about "what's going on here."
* A 1-3 minute spiel about "what's going on here," easy to repeat all day long.
* Something discrete to eat and drink during the day - you may be trapped behind your table all day long.
'''Judged By:'''
* Previous Steppes Artisan Champions.
* An Overall winner may be chosen by the Baron and Baroness.  

Revision as of 10:57, 30 April 2013


Things common to all A&S displays, however formal (or not).

Before the Event

  • 1. Lay out the display.
  • 2. Take a picture of it.
  • 3. Change a thing or three. Repeat #2.
  • 4. Ask for opinions and implement them. Repeat #2.
  • 5. Bring your pics along while setting up at the event.

At the Event

  • Small largess pieces for things that you find particularly impressive.
  • Business cards are very helpful.

Laurel's Prize Tourney (Discussion)

For the Display:

  • Some "terracing" to keep it from just lying flat and to allow you a little space behind the table (for your mug/snackies).
  • One copy of the documentation will be more than enough.

For the Artisan:

  • A notepad and pen. People will say things you'll want to remember. Also, keep a record of inspiration as it hits.
  • Portable snackie things. Portable drinks. Wet wipes. Depending on the crampedness of the site, you may not have space to move around much at all.

Local Group A&S (Judged)

For the Display:

  • One or two copies of the documentation - think: one for the judge to take and one to leave on the table.

For the Artisan:

  • Judged competitions may want the entrants to leave during judging, or they may want a quick discussion of what is being entered. Be prepared to give a 3-5 minute presentation on your art.

Gulf Wars Open Arts and Sciences (Populace)

For the Display:

  • One copy of the documentation is more than enough - primarily Populace Vote. Shorter is better.
  • Think in terms of "flashy" and "easily comprehensible" - A poster-board display plus tools, examples, and other props are good.

For the Artisan:

  • Display set-up from 8-9am.
  • Drink water. War is hot and dusty.
  • It's suggested that you stay around in case people have questions on your work, but you don't have to.
  • Tear-down starts at 4pm after the presentation of awards: several are sponsored by households and local groups, plus Populace Vote.

Steppes Artisan

For the Display:

  • Three items in a progression of skill or in three discrete fields.

For the Artisan:

  • A 1-3 minute spiel about "what's going on here," easy to repeat all day long.
  • Something discrete to eat and drink during the day - you may be trapped behind your table all day long.

Judged By:

  • Previous Steppes Artisan Champions.
  • An Overall winner may be chosen by the Baron and Baroness.

Kingdom Arts and Sciences (Judged)

For the Display:

  • Terracing is King. More verical is more better.
  • One item (or matched pair of items), completed, at the top of your art "game."
  • Tools are good, if they can be shown to be in action in some way.
  • Three copies of the documentation - two for your two judges, and one for the table. More detail is better, if it's well-organized.

For the Artisan:

  • Something to do all day since it's Verboten to hover over your display once time is called.
  • Plan to sit in on the Performance pieces, if that's not what you're entering.

Gulf Wars Arts and Sciences Champions(Judged)

For the Display:

  • Complexity of display.
  • Three copies of documentation.

For the Artisan:

  • Competition meeting from 8-9am.
  • Bring snackies.
  • Tear-down at 4pm.