Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni: Difference between revisions

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| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Captain Savage<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Brazier
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Dyrfinna Mikaelsdottir<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Pillar
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Fountain
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Ivan Antonius di Castronovo<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Thunderbolt
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Jocelyn di Michele<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Thunderbolt
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Tiberius Kirk<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-04-29
| Thunderbolt
| Namron Beltane
| Namron Beltane
| <BR>
| Margaret MacDuff<BR>
| 2023-04-29
| 2023-05-06
| Fountain
| Passa de Armes
| Namron Beltane
| Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Thunderbolt
| Castellan
| Daniel Schade<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Brazier
| Castellan
| Dimitri Zenonovich<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Sanguine Bowl
| Castellan
| Elsa Schemmer von Snackenburg<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Fountain
| Castellan
| Facon du Pray<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Brazier
| Castellan
| Rhiannon Redwulf<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Pillar
| Castellan
| Stigandr Houlegate<BR>
| 2023-05-20
| Fountain
| Castellan
| Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir<BR>
| 2023-05-27
| Thunderbolt
| Valor Tourney
| Katrina Glöckelîn<BR>
| 2023-05-27
| Thunderbolt
| Valor Tourney
| Brook of Krakens Nest<BR>
| 2023-06-03
| Golden Comb
| Collegium
| Ian the Green<BR>
| 2023-06-03
| Fountain
| Collegium
| Liadan of Patrin Or<BR>
| 2023-06-03
| Pillar
| Collegium
| Lily of Krakens Nest<BR>
| 2023-06-03
| Golden Comb
| Collegium
| Beatrix Funteyn<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Thunderbolt
| War of the Lillies
| Gunnarr Bjornulfson<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Sanguine Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Sinople Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Jelena Grubisic<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Sinople Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Mani Haust Melrakki<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Tenne Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Orlando Giovanni<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Sanguine Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Sven of Namron<BR>
| 2023-06-15
| Tenne Horse
| War of the Lillies
| Aileen Bean Ui Maille<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Ashildr in Harfagra<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Beatrix Funteyn<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Cera ingen Fhaelain<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Deinis O Maille<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Diarmuid mac Brain<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Pillar
| Coronet Tourney
| Diarmuid mac Brain<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Elise Green<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Gwenyvere Rose Foxe<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Fountain
| Coronet Tourney
| Gwenyvere Rose Foxe<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Gwyneth of Ramsey Mere<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Fountain
| Coronet Tourney
| Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Ian the Green<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Isaac Bane<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Isabella Coppola<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Koia Karasova<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Kolfinna Egilsdottir<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Liadan of Patrin Or<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Lyra of Wiesenfeuer<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Malkyn Hawke<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Marcus von Fürth<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Margherita de Mantua<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Marguerite Dinard<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Muirenn ingen Chernaig<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Muirenn Nia ingen Nath-I<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Pillar
| Coronet Tourney
| Orlando Giovanni<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Phillippa of Ansteorra<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Raulff Smeithberde<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Sævarr Máni<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Sean mac Daniel<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Pillar
| Coronet Tourney
| Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Thomas Westleigh<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Brazier
| Coronet Tourney
| Vigdis Grafeldr<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Villana Palazolo<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Vincenti da Murano<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key
| Coronet Tourney
| Yzabeau Brossier<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Key of Keys
| Coronet Tourney
| Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah<BR>
| 2023-06-17
| Bastion
| Coronet Tourney


Revision as of 15:17, 25 January 2024

Name Date Award Note Event
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
2022-12-10 Dove of Vindheim Coronet Tourney III
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
2022-12-10 Viscounty Coronet Tourney III
Jean Paul de Sens
2022-12-10 Viscounty Coronet Tourney III
Marcus von Fürth
2022-12-10 Rapier Champion Coronet Tourney III
Raulff Smeithberde
2022-12-10 Chivalric Champion Coronet Tourney III
Isabeau Wynter
2022-12-17 Fountain of Vindheim Art as Service Wiesenfeuer Yule
Klauss Luinstra
2022-12-17 Brazier of Vindheim Martial endeavors as Service Wiesenfeuer Yule
Caton Cat Cathart
2023-01-28 Fountain of Vindheim Art as Service Northkeep Winterkingdom
Ian Thornhill
2023-01-28 Fountain of Vindheim Art as Service Northkeep Winterkingdom
Losaneta Valeta
2023-01-28 Golden Comb of Vindheim Northkeep Winterkingdom
Karl Thorgeirrsson
2023-01-28 Pillar of Vindheim Service to the Arts Northkeep Winterkingdom
Torianna Thornhill
2023-01-28 Fountain of Vindheim Art as Service Northkeep Winterkingdom
Darien DeShameless
2023-02-04 Pillar of Vindheim Service to the Marshallate Provincial Games
Kolfinna Egilsdottir
2023-02-04 Pillar of Vindheim Service to the Marshallate Provincial Games
Alyss Green 2023-02-04 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Provincial Games
Skeggi berbeinn Sebbason ins sterka
2023-02-04 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Provincial Games
Andrew Viggesson
2023-02-18 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Winter War Maneuvers
Gothric Viggesson
2023-02-18 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Winter War Maneuvers
Karl Hungus
2023-02-18 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Winter War Maneuvers
William du Lac
2023-02-18 Thunderbolt of Vindheim Winter War Maneuvers
Aki Seulf
2023-03-16 Sanguine Bowl Gulf Wars
Alondra Martell
2023-03-16 Tenne Horse General Assistance Gulf Wars
Benjamin of Brad Leah
2023-03-16 Sanguine Horse Youth Armored Combat Gulf Wars
Captain Savage
2023-03-16 Sanguine Horse Thrown Weapons Gulf Wars
Cera ingen Fhaelain
2023-03-16 Sanguine Horse Combat Archery Gulf Wars
Etienne de Saint Amaranth
2023-03-16 Tenne Horse Event Operations Gulf Wars
Facon du Pray
2023-03-16 Sanguine Horse Rapier Combat Gulf Wars
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
2023-03-16 Thunderbolt Gulf Wars
Halldora Hrafnsdottir
2023-03-16 Sanguine Horse Rapier Combat Gulf Wars
Keina Terrickdoutter
2023-03-16 Sinople Horse Household Arts Gulf Wars
Kolfinna Egilsdottir
2023-03-16 Sinople Horse Tangible Heraldry Gulf Wars
Lyra of Wiesenfeuer
2023-03-16 Fountain Art as Service Gulf Wars
Masina da Ferrara
2023-03-16 Sinople Horse Fiber Arts Gulf Wars
Nafisa bint Malak al Nadiyah
2023-03-16 Sinople Horse Cunlinary Arts Gulf Wars
Saevarr Mani
2023-03-16 Sinople Horse Household Arts Gulf Wars
Sean mac Daniel
2023-03-16 Tenne Horse Event Operations Gulf Wars
Seigine Brecc
2023-03-16 Fountain Art as Service Gulf Wars
Shiro of Marata
2023-03-16 Thunderbolt Gulf Wars
Taidhgin O'Quinn
2023-03-16 Tenne Horse General Assistance Gulf Wars
Thomas de Groet
2023-03-16 Tenne Horse Event Operations Gulf Wars
Annabelle Marie FitzSimmons
2023-04-01 Fountain Art as Service Medieval Fair
Odd of Namron
2023-04-01 Thunderbolt Medieval Fair
Seren of Namron
2023-04-01 Thunderbolt Medieval Fair
Sorcha McCullogh
2023-04-01 Pillar Service to the Arts Medieval Fair
Cera ingen Fhaelain
2023-04-15 Vindheim Missile Champion Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Eadwyn Gathyrde
2023-04-15 Pillar Service to the Arts Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Isaac Bane
2023-04-15 Brazier Martial endeavors as Service Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Ivo Blackhawk
2023-04-15 Brazier Martial endeavors as Service Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Koke Gan
2023-04-15 Pillar Service to the Arts Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Matteo de Genua
2023-04-15 Brazier Martial endeavors as Service Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Voyszvilk Greycius Vilniszkis
2023-04-15 Brazier Martial endeavors as Service Wiesenfeuer Baronial
Ashildr in Harfagra
2023-04-29 Fountain Namron Beltane
Cailleach Ui Chaerbhaill
2023-04-29 Fountain Namron Beltane
Captain Savage
2023-04-29 Brazier Namron Beltane
Dyrfinna Mikaelsdottir
2023-04-29 Pillar Namron Beltane
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir
2023-04-29 Fountain Namron Beltane
Ivan Antonius di Castronovo
2023-04-29 Thunderbolt Namron Beltane
Jocelyn di Michele
2023-04-29 Thunderbolt Namron Beltane
Tiberius Kirk
2023-04-29 Thunderbolt Namron Beltane
Margaret MacDuff
2023-05-06 Fountain Passa de Armes
Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova
2023-05-20 Thunderbolt Castellan
Daniel Schade
2023-05-20 Brazier Castellan
Dimitri Zenonovich
2023-05-20 Sanguine Bowl Castellan
Elsa Schemmer von Snackenburg
2023-05-20 Fountain Castellan
Facon du Pray
2023-05-20 Brazier Castellan
Rhiannon Redwulf
2023-05-20 Pillar Castellan
Stigandr Houlegate
2023-05-20 Fountain Castellan
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir
2023-05-27 Thunderbolt Valor Tourney
Katrina Glöckelîn
2023-05-27 Thunderbolt Valor Tourney
Brook of Krakens Nest
2023-06-03 Golden Comb Collegium
Ian the Green
2023-06-03 Fountain Collegium
Liadan of Patrin Or
2023-06-03 Pillar Collegium
Lily of Krakens Nest
2023-06-03 Golden Comb Collegium
Beatrix Funteyn
2023-06-15 Thunderbolt War of the Lillies
Gunnarr Bjornulfson
2023-06-15 Sanguine Horse War of the Lillies
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir
2023-06-15 Sinople Horse War of the Lillies
Jelena Grubisic
2023-06-15 Sinople Horse War of the Lillies
Mani Haust Melrakki
2023-06-15 Tenne Horse War of the Lillies
Orlando Giovanni
2023-06-15 Sanguine Horse War of the Lillies
Sven of Namron
2023-06-15 Tenne Horse War of the Lillies
Aileen Bean Ui Maille
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Ashildr in Harfagra
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Beatrix Funteyn
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Cera ingen Fhaelain
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Deinis O Maille
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Diarmuid mac Brain
2023-06-17 Pillar Coronet Tourney
Diarmuid mac Brain
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Elise Green
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Gwenyvere Rose Foxe
2023-06-17 Fountain Coronet Tourney
Gwenyvere Rose Foxe
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Gwyneth of Ramsey Mere
2023-06-17 Fountain Coronet Tourney
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Ian the Green
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Isaac Bane
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Isabella Coppola
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Koia Karasova
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Kolfinna Egilsdottir
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Liadan of Patrin Or
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Lyra of Wiesenfeuer
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Malkyn Hawke
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Marcus von Fürth
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Margherita de Mantua
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Marguerite Dinard
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Muirenn ingen Chernaig
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Muirenn Nia ingen Nath-I
2023-06-17 Pillar Coronet Tourney
Orlando Giovanni
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Phillippa of Ansteorra
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Raulff Smeithberde
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Sævarr Máni
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Sean mac Daniel
2023-06-17 Pillar Coronet Tourney
Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Thomas Westleigh
2023-06-17 Brazier Coronet Tourney
Vigdis Grafeldr
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Villana Palazolo
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Vincenti da Murano
2023-06-17 Key Coronet Tourney
Yzabeau Brossier
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah
2023-06-17 Key of Keys Coronet Tourney
Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah
2023-06-17 Bastion Coronet Tourney