3rd Vindheim Coronet: Difference between revisions

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* Chief Lady-in-Waiting:  
* Chief Lady-in-Waiting:  
* Thunderbolt Signet: [[Ian the Green]]
* Thunderbolt Signet: [[Ian the Green]]
* Fountain Herald: [[Ashildr inn Harfagri]]
* Fountain Herald: [[Áshildr inn Hárfagri]]
* Gifts Coordinator: [[Zubeydah]]
* Gifts Coordinator: [[Zubeydah]]
* Largess Coordinator: [[Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson]]
* Largess Coordinator: [[Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson]]

Revision as of 08:39, 12 June 2023

3rd Coronet

Coronet: Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni
Coronet Tournament & Elevation: December 10, 2022 at Vindheim 3rd Coronet Tourney
Stepped Down:
Predecessors: Jean Paul de Sens & Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

Staff Members



  • Bard
  • Middle Eastern Dance
  • Artisan


Special Recognitions


  • December 17, 2022: Wiesenfeuer Yule
    • Prince Mícauley: I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for an amazing event at Wiesenfeuer Yule 2022. So many parts of the day were excellent - from enjoying the Vindheim Bake off that Karl bogsveigir Thorgeirsson works so hard with (and getting to see the delight that my Stunt-pancreas' had with each treat) and getting to enjoy the high Spear-its of the tournament with Their Excellencies of Namron ( Mani Alfsson and Kolfinna Egilsdóttir). The amazing songs and stories during the bardic competition! Getting to enjoy celebrating the people of Vindheim from a new seat during court alongside their Excellencies Muirenn ingen Chernaig and Beatrix Alfraye. Feast was exceptional and memorable to say the least. Klauss Luinstra, Mariella Magdalena de Guilio and Aldric de Kerr put on an exceptional event. It was without a doubt, a day for the books. Caterina Giovanni and I are finding our feet as Prince and Princess, and the help and support of amazing entourage, unrivaled friends, and a populace that we truly love and want to celebrate, helped to make yesterday's event awesome and builds my faith and excitement for the months ahead. Vivat Wiesenfeuer! Vivat Vindheim!
    • Princess Caterina: This past weekend I was inspired by so many many things at Wiesenfeuer Yule. In my current position as Princess of Vindheim, I get to do more watching now, and see what everyone else is doing. It was so incredible to watch the way that everyone worked together to make that event happen. People were sitting gate, people were cooking lunch, people were cooking dinner, people were running children’s activities. And I realized, as I looked around that all of those people were volunteering their time to make all of those things happen. I think sometimes we get so busy working and doing our own things at events that we forget to appreciate and be inspired by all the hard work that everyone else is doing and I really got to see that this weekend. I am so inspired by everyone in the SCA who helps make people feel welcome, who helps make events happen, who helps add ambience with decorations and music, and who helps just by lending a smile.

  • January 14, 2023: Coronation - Bjornsborg
  • January 21, 2023: 86th Queen's Champion Celebration - Bordermarch - Princess
  • January 28, 2023: Northkeep Winterkingdom
  • February 4, 2023: Mooneschadowe's Provincial Games
  • February 18, 2023: Winter War Maneuvers - Vatavia, Calontir - Prince

The Words of the Coronet

December 13, 2022 (1 of 2)

Greetings all!
We are looking at the great battles ahead and find ourselves in need of a Commander for the chivalric forces of Vindheim! At this time we'd ask that if anyone would like to volunteer or make suggestions for this role to please email us at prince@vindheim.ansteorra.org Or princess@vindheim.ansteorra.org, and if there are any other questions or comments please don't hesitate to communicate with us.

December 13, 2022 (2 of 2)

Greetings all!
His Highness and I wanted to write and say how much we appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have already received from this great Principality!
We have added our progress that we know of so far to the Kingdom calendar and hope to see many of you at the upcoming events we will be attending.
First up is Wiesenfeuer Yule this coming weekend. We would like to invite any and all members of the populace that we have not had the opportunity to meet to please come and introduce yourselves to us. In addition, please bring any and all newcomers at events that you attend to come and meet us as well.
We feel so fortunate to be able to serve as your Prince and Princess and we are so looking forward to the coming months.
Micauley and Caterina
Prince and Princess, Vindheim

December 29, 2022

Greetings all!
As we look forward to the next few events that we will get to envoy with our exceptional populous we wanted to put a reminder out to all to send us you AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS!
We want to celebrate all the good things that we know the people of Vindheim are doing, but we can’t possibly have eyes everywhere and we need your help to be able to recognize people for all that they deserve.
And we humbly request that you send those words in time to think and plan for upcoming events. For example, Winterkingdom is looming we’d love to have any recommendation for that event in to us by the 7th of January. So please send us your recommendations to:
P.S. We are working towards an award recommendation form for submissions in the future, but while that project develops we would ask that you endure the great and torturous burden of emailing us. 😜
We are eager to serve and celebrate this populace!
Their Serene Highnesses
Prince Micauley and Princess Caterina

The Words of the Populace

Reign Notes


Tokens and Gifts

Royal Preferences

Preference His Serene Highness Her Serene Highness
Food Preferences: Likes: Mixed nuts
Dislikes: Fish/Seafood, Mustard, Vinegar/pickle.
Dislikes: Onions, Peppers (Green, Yellow or Red), Broccoli, spicy foods, mustcard
Beverage Preferences: Diet Pepsi Coke Zero, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Sprite
Persona: 16th Century Privateer.
Other: Personal: Metal shank buttons, period toys / Largess: Toys! Maker Kits! Vindheim themed wearables! Personal: Items with puppy paw prints or cats / Largess: Toys! Maker Kits! Vindheim themed wearables!


Reign Photos & Media