File list
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This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
12:14, 15 February 2009 | Anst-achievev2.gif (file) | 13 KB | Emma (talk | contribs) | Ansteorran achievement | 1 | |
19:52, 15 February 2009 | Constance Randall 1.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | 1978_TH2_post_reign1979_Visc_Constance&Randall_Von_Nordlichwald.jpg Copyright Countess Tessa and used with permission. | 1 | |
20:02, 15 February 2009 | Elfsea.gif (file) | 2 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Arms of Barony of Elfsea. From | 1 | |
18:17, 17 February 2009 | 1977 TH1 Sean Mc F & Katherina wTivar Royal clothes donated by Tessa.jpg (file) | 396 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | 1977_TH1_Sean_Mc_F_&_Katherina_wTivar_Royal_clothes_donated_by_Tessa.jpg. First Prince and Princess of the Principality of Ansteorra. This picture is Copyrighted and used by permission of Countess Tessa. | 1 | |
19:03, 17 February 2009 | SimonnTessa 3.jpg (file) | 152 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Simonn Tessa June 1978 Last Principality Court.sable entrance.jpg This photo is copyrighted and used with permission of Countess Tessa. 640x483 | 1 | |
10:31, 25 February 2009 | Lloyd Joycelyn1.jpg (file) | 17 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Photo of Lloyd and joycelyn from their 2nd Coronation. This image is copyright and used with permission. This is cropped from a larger photo provided by Countess Tessa. | 1 | |
10:33, 25 February 2009 | Finn Cyf1.jpg (file) | 30 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | A Photo of Finn and Cyf from Lloyd and Joycelyn's 2nd coronation. This photo is cropped from a larger photo provided by Countess Tessa. tis image is copyright and used with permission. | 1 | |
10:34, 25 February 2009 | Finn Lloyd1.jpg (file) | 64 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | This is a photo of Lloyd and Joycelyn's 2nd Coronation. It is copyright and used with permission of Countess Tessa. | 1 | |
15:01, 28 March 2009 | Last Principality Court.jpg (file) | 77 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | 1979 Last Principality Court before Kingdom status June Theo Tessa Simonn Bevin Secretary Nerak | 1 | |
15:07, 28 March 2009 | Aten King Theo final court.jpg (file) | 49 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Theo King of Atenveldt awaiting the final Principality Court 1979 | 1 | |
16:17, 2 May 2009 | Gerard & Vanessa 2.jpg (file) | 94 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Gerard I and Vanessa I, this image is copyright by Craig Forran and is used with permission. This image has been cropped and re sized to better fit this page. | 1 | |
16:35, 2 May 2009 | Mikael & Rebekka.jpg (file) | 243 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Mikael I and Rebekka I. This image is copyright Craig Forran and used with permission. This image has been re sized to fit this page. | 1 | |
17:06, 2 May 2009 | Seamus & Karlanna.jpg (file) | 157 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Seamus and Karlanna. I do not know which reign this is. I also do not recognize the crowns they are wearing. This image is copyright by Craig forran and used with permission. | 1 | |
09:06, 3 May 2009 | Octavia 3.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Maaggie1 (talk | contribs) | Daffydd Whitacre and Octavia de Verdon | 1 | |
16:31, 18 May 2009 | Ulstaed IV and Ebergardis II.jpg (file) | 127 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Ulstaed IV and Ebergardis II in July 2008. Photo is Copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
16:40, 18 May 2009 | Aaron and Vanessa.jpg (file) | 154 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Aaron III and Vanessa II at their Coronation. Photo is copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
17:14, 18 May 2009 | Romanius and Deanna.jpg (file) | 111 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Romanius_and_Deanna at their Coronation January 2007. This photo is copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
17:19, 18 May 2009 | Aaron and Britta II.jpg (file) | 145 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Aaron and Britta in their 2nd reign at their Coronation July 2006. This photo is copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
17:32, 18 May 2009 | Mahdi and Valeria II.jpg (file) | 120 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Mahdi and Valeria from their 2nd reign. April 2006 at the Crown Tournament to choose their Heirs. This photo is Copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
17:55, 18 May 2009 | 1 Jason and Saereid I.jpg (file) | 53 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Jason and Saereid I at their coronation. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
17:55, 18 May 2009 | 2 Jason and Saereid I.jpg (file) | 46 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Jason and Saereid I at their coronation. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
18:04, 18 May 2009 | Timotheos and Allyson.jpg (file) | 50 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Timotheos_and_Allyson at the coronation of their Heirs. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
18:23, 18 May 2009 | Gunthar and Sara.jpg (file) | 142 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Gunthar and Sarah at their Coronation January 16, 1999. this photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
19:25, 18 May 2009 | Daffydd and Octavia.jpg (file) | 69 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Daffydd and Octavia at their stepping down court. this photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and is used with permission. | 1 | |
19:29, 18 May 2009 | Drake and Kay Leigh.jpg (file) | 69 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Drake and Kay Leigh Drake at their Coronation. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
19:48, 18 May 2009 | Duncan and Larissa.jpg (file) | 63 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Duncan and Larissa at their Coronation July 2001. Tis photo is copyright Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
20:00, 18 May 2009 | Aaron and Britta I.jpg (file) | 53 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Aaron and Britta at their Coronation, January 2002. The Photo is slightly out of focus. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission | 1 | |
20:05, 18 May 2009 | Aaron and Britta I - 2.jpg (file) | 122 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Aaron and Britta I taken at her Queens's Chanpion tournament. this photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission. | 1 | |
20:14, 18 May 2009 | Patrick and Julia V.jpg (file) | 72 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Patrick and Julia V Bestowing the titles of Count and Countess upon their predecessors Aaron and Britta. This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission, | 1 | |
20:31, 18 May 2009 | Conal and Miguel I.jpg (file) | 54 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Conal and Miguel I at their coronation, This photo is copyright by Armand Dragonetti and used with permission, | 1 | |
15:22, 23 May 2009 | Finn&Cyf2.jpg (file) | 213 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | 1981 TM Finn&Cyf_Lloyd&Joycelyn_ Elizabeth&Ton. Fin and Cyf, with Lloyd and Joycelyn ans Crown Prince and Princess. To the left is Tonn and Elizabeth who were King and Queen of Atenveldt in 1977 shortly before we became a Kingdom. This photo was provid | 1 | |
23:55, 24 May 2009 | FitzDrop.gif (file) | 17 KB | Fitzbubba (talk | contribs) | Arms for William FitzBubba | 1 | |
14:22, 25 May 2009 | Petition 800x612 Adjusted.jpg (file) | 793 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | This photo has been scanned in two parts and re-assembled. The image has been cropped and adjusted to make it easier to read. It has been reduced in size to fit the maximum size this wiki will display. Larger, un-retouched images are available. The st | 1 | |
11:30, 22 August 2009 | Allemandus Scroll.jpg (file) | 649 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Scroll granting membership in the Oak of the Stepes and the Tread of the Steppes to Allemandus Draconis. Signed by Lloyd I and Joselyn I and Aureliane Rioghail, March 22, 1980 | 1 | |
12:10, 22 August 2009 | Rowan and Hector.jpg (file) | 190 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Rowan and Hector with the landed Nobility of Ansteorra, taken during Rowan's reign. This photo is copyright and used with permission. | 1 | |
12:21, 22 August 2009 | Hector & Rowan.jpg (file) | 331 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Hector and Rowan as Crown of Ansteorra. I am not sure which reign this photo is from. This image is copyright and used with permission. | 1 | |
01:05, 27 September 2009 | Northkeep Shire-Scroll.jpg (file) | Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
606 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | This is the petition of the incipient shire of Nordliche Strum to be granted fuklk shire status. It was presented to Sigmund I and iglende I at the Ansteorra Middle War held at lake Oolagah. | 1 |
10:41, 8 November 2009 | Robert Fitzmorgan.jpg (file) | 294 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Photo copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
18:12, 1 January 2010 | SuperChicken.gif (file) | 20 KB | Hrafn (talk | contribs) | Badge for the Order of the Centurions of the Sable Star | 1 | |
13:38, 3 January 2010 | Owen and Genevria.jpg (file) | 155 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Owen and Genevira, 62nd Crown of Ansteorra at Bordermarch Meles. This photo is copyright by Richard Threlkeld and used with permission. | 1 | |
13:58, 3 January 2010 | 1977 Sean & Katherina.jpg (file) | 396 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Sean and Katherina as 1st Prince and Princess of the Principality of Ansteorra. This photo is copyright and used with permission 1977_TH1_Sean_Mc_F_&_Katherina_wTivar_Royal_clothes_donated_by_Tessa.jpg | 1 | |
14:33, 3 January 2010 | Sean and Katherina 2 1977.jpg (file) | 86 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | This image is copyright and used with permission. It has been cropped and reduced in size from the original. The person behind the thrones is Tivar. | 2 | |
12:07, 18 January 2010 | Barn and Katrionna 2.jpg (file) | 23 KB | Fitzmorgan (talk | contribs) | Photo of Barn and Katrionna at Pensic. Photo is Copyright and used with permission. | 1 | |
14:56, 16 April 2010 | Ach-bastfront.jpg (file) | 149 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement of the Shire of Bastion de la Frontière, featuring its registered arms (which have since been released) | 1 | |
23:08, 16 April 2010 | Ach-cyphill.jpg (file) | 220 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement for the Shire of Cypress Hills, featuring its registered arms (which have since been released) | 1 | |
00:52, 17 April 2010 | Ach-falcridg.jpg (file) | 202 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement of the Stronghold of Falconridge, featuring its registered arms | 1 | |
01:47, 17 April 2010 | Ach-lochruadh.jpg (file) | 239 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement for the Shire of Loch Ruadh, featuring its registered arms | 1 | |
13:04, 17 April 2010 | Ach-inisfeinics.jpg (file) | 260 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement of the Shire of Inis Feinics, featuring its registered arms (which have since been released) | 1 | |
14:07, 17 April 2010 | Ach-lamarch.jpg (file) | 193 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement of the Shire of La Marche Sauvage, featuring its registered arms | 1 | |
23:23, 17 April 2010 | Ach-lochrae.jpg (file) | 248 KB | Coblaith (talk | contribs) | heraldic achievement of the Shire of Loch Raeburn, featuring its registered arms (which have since been released) | 1 |