Animals of Ansteorra Q - T

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It is not simply the People of Ansteorra that make it great, but the presence of companion and working animals adds greatly to the ambiance and experience. Herein are some Very Good Girls and Bois.






Teensie, a chihuahua, is dressed in a yellow viking apron dress while perched on the crenelated arm of a throne
Caretakers: Morgan Black Dragon & Montega Black Dragon.

"Teensie is 7 years old. We rescued her at 1 years old. She is a chihuahua, but we think she’s mixed, but since she’s from a puppy mill we aren’t sure. She developed juvenile cataracts at about one and a half. She was blind for 8 months then had surgery. She started going to events two weeks after we got her. She is a tiny little member of Wolfstar and is also whelped to Kajira Camber. She loves being held at events and loves to howl with the Wolfies when they drum, and in court! She loves hugs, snuggles, belly rubs, and treats."

Teensie passed away on May 11, 2020.

Populace Provided Information

Kyna Terricsdottir

The Goodest Girl!!

Emma O'Ruairc: I'm pretty sure I met Teensie before meeting Montega Blackdragon or Morgan Black Dragon. It was my first Norman Medieval Faire with the SCA, and she was under a pavilion all alone but dressed probably better than me. She came right up to me and immediately was at home on my lap. (I mean... how could I resist) That little dog had my heart from that day on. Rest now Teensie.... you are dearly missed.

Etienette de Bitche: I fell for the Teensie dog when Montega and Morgan shared a cabin with some of us not all that long ago. She'd come over to my bed and ask to come up and cuddle. She'd lay in my lap or next to me. And, I don't even like chihuahuas. But this one got into my heart. I've been thinking of her all day.

Caterina Giovanni di Gilead: She was such a sweet baby. I’ll never forget when we crashed at Tega and Morgan’s, but Tega was out of town and Morgan hadn’t gone to bed yet so Teensie and Weensie decided they would come to bed with me and Orlando. They stayed in bed with us all night even after Mogo went to bed. She was just the sweetest. I always threatened to steal her but I wouldn’t because I didn’t want to make Tega cry. I will miss her very much.


Tegan the Corgi perches in a chair
Portrait by Diarmait ua Dhuinn
A sprightly and most clever corgi pup, Tegan (2004-2019) was the companion and dear friend to Rhiannon Redwulf. She was a frequent guest at SCA gatherings - be it events, demos, or work meetings (As well as attending Rhiannon's lectures at OSU and other colleges). She was not, however, a fan of camping. She can be seen on Rhiannon's Youtube Channel. There is also a gallery of photos taken from Tegan's perspective on Rhiannon's personal website from the day she attended Chemin Noir's Fair of the Harvest in 2007.

Three Kings: A Tegan Story
by Rhiannon Redwulf

The year that Ainar Magnusson was chosen to play the part of Harold Hadrada at the Three Kings event, Tegan, Danielle, and I camped together in the Wolfstar encampment. From Tegan’s perspective, it was the best camping experience of her life— cold weather, adoration from all, and a sense of security.

That first night, we sat up at a fire with Ainar and Mercedes. As a civilized creature does, Tegan sat listening and enjoying the company, occasionally soliciting belly rubs from Ainar, one of her favorite people. When we retired to bed, she plopped down in front of the heater in my tent and went instantly to sleep. One might think that as a security minded corgi, Tegan would be concerned. Particularly, as she had extremely strict rules about who was authorized to drink and who was not. However, Tegan had apparently handed out authorization cards to all of Wolfstar camped around us. And since all those warriors surrounded us, she determined that she did not have to stand guard duty.

At the opening to the event the next morning, the three “kings,”—Baron Ainar (as Harold Hadrada), Baron Godwyn Alfricson (as Harold Godwinson) and Duke Inman MacMoore (as William the Bastard), spoke to the crowd, drumming up support for their side. Since both Tegan and Danielle were a bit short, we went and stood at the front of the crowd so they could see.

Ainar spoke for a bit, thanking those who had come out to support him, and then stepped off to the side a few feet away from us. Harold Godwinson was equally brief, (Tegan had to suppress a yawn). But William the Conqueror, threw himself into the persona-play and started bellowing threats and imprecations at the two Saxon kings.

Tegan snapped to attention, listened to Inman carefully to make sure that he was actually saying, what she thought he was saying about Ainar, then stepped boldly onto the field. Throwing her chest out, she moved in front of Ainar to defend him, and fixed a steely eye on Inman. She barked out once to get his attention, then growled out a lengthy scold— this kind of yelling at Ainar was NOT going to be tolerated—don’t THINK I won’t come over there and herd you to the edge of this event, human, because I WILL—you just need to SETTLE it down RIGHT NOW.

Inman stopped speechless, and there was a moment of silence from all of us, as Tegan’s last words rung in the air. Then the entire gathered populous burst into laughter. Wolfstar was particularly delighted with her wolfish words. Not to be turned from her purpose though, Tegan continued keeping herself between Ainar and Inman the rest of the morning. Having identified Inman as a potential trouble-maker, she also kept a covert eye on him the rest of the event.

Baron Thomas of Bryn Gwlad was so struck by Tegan’s eloquent defense, that he wanted to submit her name for an Award of Arms on the spot. Tegan gently declined, and was gracious about the fact that the good baron had apparently been struck by Cupid’s arrow. During the afternoon bardic, he asked her to sit by him and help judge, and in walking through the encampment, his path just happened to come past our tent over and over.

What more can be said? Many were the bites of cheese and sausage handed to her from her campmates. Many were the grateful bellyrubs. Tegan’s event ended in a sea of goodwill and contentment.

Populace Provided Information

Kyna Terricsdottir

The Goodest Girl!!

How Tegan Rescued Me
by Vogna Zherebtsovia

I was receiving (for the 3rd time that day) unwanted attention from a young man who could not take a hint (he didn’t seem like a bad guy, just awkward, persistent, & oblivious to me not being interested) while in the dining hall.

Tegan was nearby and saw that I wasn’t comfortable. She came over and whuffed at me and obviously wanted me to come with her to join the group of nearby approved humans. The young man, having not encountered Tegan before decided to give her a greeting pet, but before he could even touch her, Tegan SCREAMED. No other way to describe it, she screamed.

The dining hall fell silent as everyone turned to see who had dared to hurt Tegan. All eyes were on this young man whose hand was still hovering in mid air, several inches from contact, with a disapproving Tegan glaring up at him. The poor guy mumbled something about the dog must not like him and beat a hasty retreat. Tegan whuffed at me again, pleased with herself and happily accepted my “thank you” scritches.

Tegan the Corgi sits on Rhiannon's lap
Portrait by Diarmait ua Dhuinn

See Also: