Event Review - Northern Border Skirmishes 2022 - by Klauss Luinstra
Northern Border Skirmishes was a fantastic event! East Oklahoma is beautiful this time of year, but nothing is more beautiful than to see the people of Ansteorra in bright and hearty fellowship, crossing blades with smiles on their faces, and using a rubber chicken (hehe) to parry away said blades. Thank you, Facon du Pray, for your gracious gift, guidance, and glorious display at and after the Melee Tournament!
Their Excellencies of Northkeep, Baron Perrin de Beaujeu and Baroness Jehanne de Montauban allowed me the honour and privilege of being their Court Herald, which means I got to run my first official court! Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as I learned what to and not to do as an emergency stand-in Court Herald. This opportunity to learn and grow as a courtier is more valued than you know, even if I mispronounced some names ... some multiple times... and forgot myself on a few occasions. I certainly have room to grow in this form of service, and grow I shall. To your patience and grace, dear Populace and Excellencies, I not only praise, but extend my gratitude to you as extensively and wholeheartedly as this bardic heart may express.
A rousing and marvelous huzzah to my dear friends Grimbjorn Sigmundsson, Maryann Childress, Owen ap Aeddan, and Cornelius Meriläinen: each of whom are as splendid and creative and each of whom performed splendidly and achieved victory in the fields of interest in which they participated. Huzzah! To the newest Lady in Northkeep, Milokhna d'Riga, Vivat! To those who also won awards and competitions that I have not listed here, to you also I raise a hearty huzzah! Feel free to post your victory in the comments and I will praise you forthwith!
To the feast stewards and the autocrats, who made such a marvelous and delectable feast and ran such a marvelously fun and relaxing event, huzzah! Such a splendid and marvelous group of individuals deserves splendid and marvelous praise!
Thank you for your time, and long live the Dream!
Vivat Wyldewood!
Vivat Northkeep!
Vivat Vindheim!
Vivat Ansteorra!
With Love, Honour, Panache, and Hope,
Lord Klauss Luinstra of Wiesenfeuer