Event Review - Namron Protectorate 1981 - by Briony Blåaslagen

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Namron Protectorate, October 9-11, A.S. XVI (1981 C.E.)
By Briony Blåaslagen

After an uneventful trip and a short rest, we arrived at Namron Protectorate early Friday evening and began unloading. Shortly, most of our party departed to go meet late arrivals, leaving Jarlinde Kemreth and me to fend for ourselves (after we made sure the beer had been unloaded). We strolled around the camp for a while, visiting friends long unseen and drinking bock until Hrabia Jan and Master Orm returned with Galen, who had arrived late after a harrowing journey. They set up camp, and after Viscountess Megan got back, we all gathered around a fire (it was chilly) and relaxed before retiring.

Morning dawned cool and overcast, and we arose and prepared for the day's activities. There were 38 entrants in the lists, and we watched with interest as the Swiss 3 progressed. Baron Jan won his first 3 bouts--against Eric Thorgrimsson, James the Crimson, and Her Majesty Elzasif (Cyf), respectively, and Squire Galen won his first two bouts--against an unknown (who did not appear), and Baron Korwyn Ariannaid--and double-killed on his third with Baron Humph de Bohunk of V'tavia. Our two Bjornsborgers were acquitting themselves well. Hrabia Jan went on to the next round, in which he defeated Nagata Yoshima Kazmazoo, and so progressed to the finals. After a breath-holding (to the onlookers) bout with Inman MacMoore, Jan emerged victorious as new Protector of Namron. He was presented with the title, then called Jarlinde Kemreth forth to be recognized as Queen of Love and Beauty.

Thereafter, everyone adjourned to camps to prepare for the feast, which was attended by many nobles including Their Royal Majesties Finn and Cyf, Duchess Patrice and her lord, late of the Kingdom of the West, the Baron and Baroness of V'tavia in Calontir, and much of Ansteorra's nobility. Before the feast, Hrabia Jan was presented with a medallion, spear and cloak--symbols of the protectorate--and Jarlinde Kemreth received a wreath of flowers and a cloak onto which each of the Queens of Love and Beauty embroiders a flower. The feast featured an array of food in quantities impressive for an outdoor event. I enjoyed Swedish meatballs, Bjorn's pickled fish, and homemade shortbread, among other dishes. Much entertainment accompanied the meal, in form of song, dance, and story.

After being well-fed, we attended the court of Their Majesties Finn and Cyf, and of His Excellency Baron Bjorn. Among many other events of court, Gwynneth of Ramsey Mere was made Baroness of Namron and Viscountess Megan Andoniel of Glengalen was made a member of the Order of the Heart of the Sable Storm of Namron. Subsequent to court, revelry began. During the rest of the evening, singing, games of chance, merriment, and foolery prevailed well into the early hours. Sunday morning was nearly Sunday afternoon when I arose. The contest of all the Protectors of Namron soon commenced, and in the last bout Sir Frea overcame Earl Lloyd and thus won. Challenge matches and wrestling bouts followed, until the closing court of their Majesties and their Excellencies. Just as court closed, the skies opened and we packed up amid heavy showers, then went to say our farewells. Jarlinde Kemreth and I received our first cloved hat (ask me), courtesy of Sir Frea and Lord Ivar. We four Bjornsborgers rested up at Orm and Megan's before venturing on the long journey home. It had been an exciting, spirited, and (above all) fun weekend.