86th Crown
86th Crown | ||||||||||||||
![]() Photo by Melodie de Ryes, January 14, 2023 | ||||||||||||||
Information: | ||||||||||||||
Reign Overview
Crown Tournament
- Event Stewards: Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe and Nalka Um Al-Jafna
- Site: Will Rogers Boy Scout Camp
- Special Events:
- Guardian of the Kings Dream youth combat tournament
- Unbelted Tournament
- Newcomer's Tournament
- Torchlight Bastard Sword Tournament
- Rib-Heim Smokeoff: Hari Kjelsen vs Mikjall Stoti
- Chivalric Circle
- Youth Activities
Royal Whims or Declarations
A Temporary Removal from Participation is issued against Laura Michelle Lovell effective today, March 13, 2023.
A Temporary Removal from Participation is issued against Michael Busa known in the society as Balda of Clan Cadha Fiteach.
Staff Members
- Head of Entourage: Lessandra della Torre
- Chief Lady-in-Waiting:
- Star Signet:
- Herald: Absolon of Hereford
- Royal Bard: Roric Rainerson
- Royal Middle Eastern Dance: Adriana Lorelle
- Royal Artisan: Aoife inghean Mhichil Ui Dhomhnaill
- Consort's Champion: Veronica di Sanguine
- Sovereign's Champion: Skeggi Berbeinn Sebbason ins Sterka
- Royal Blade: Perrin de Beaujeu
- Consort's Blade of Honor: Floki Geirrekkson
- Royal Hunter: Isabeau Wynter
- Royal Thrown Weapons Champion: Romanius Vesperianus
- Guardian of the Consort's Hope - Junior Division:
- Guardian of the Consort's Hope - Senior Division:
- Guardian of the Sovereign's Dream: Riley de Ganger
Peers Elevated
Name | Date | Peerage |
Giovanni Rocco - OP | March 16, 2023 (Gulf Wars) | Order of the Chivalry |
Mariel du Bois - OP | March 16, 2023 (Gulf Wars) | Order of the Laurel |
Skeggi Berbeinn Sebbason ins Sterka - OP | May 20, 2023 | Order of the Chivalry |
William Palfrey - OP | September 23, 2023 | Order of the Pelican |
al-Mufaddal al-Hafiz al-Sabbak - OP | September 23, 2023 | Order of the Laurel |
Philippe LeChanceux - OP | September 30, 2023 | Order of the Chivalry |
Haraldr Bassi - OP | September 30, 2023 | Order of the Pelican |
Dominique Michelle le Vasseur - OP | October 07, 2023 | Order of the Laurel |
Special Recognitions
Hrafna Wyrdmake - Announced as the first item of Royal Business at their Coronation.
Gauntlets & Gloves
King's Gauntlet
Queen's Glove
Progress While Prince & Princess
- September 17, 2022: Mooneschadowe Trade Days
- September 23, 2022: Rosenfeld Mabon Melees (Her Highness)
- October 8, 2022: Kingdom Arts & Sciences (Her Highness)
- November 4, 2022: Skorragardr's Axeman
- November 12, 2022: Fall Round Table (Virtual)
- November 17, 2022: Bordermarch War of the Rams
- December 2, 2022: Elfsea Yule
- December 10, 2022: Vindheim Winter Coronet
- January 14, 2023: Coronation
Words of the Coronet
November 2022 Black Star
Greetings Ansteorra!
Crown Tourney was a fantastic event, a display of chivalry and courtesy. We are delighted to have the opportunity to travel this kingdom and reunite with those who make it wonderful. It has been a rough few years of stasis from challenges imposed from outside our society, and as the seasons turn we are still all waking up and remembering who we are and why we come together. It is our friendships that draw us, the respect for those we hold in high esteem, the dream we all chase.
We look forward to seeing you these next few months.
Gabriel & Sonja
December 2022 Black Star
To the stellar populace of Ansteorra, We bid you warm greetings.
The holidays will soon be upon us. It is at this time of year that we start reflecting on all that we’ve been through recently and how we’ve come together to support each other and unify under an idea of living our best SCA dream. It’s important to remember each of us can contribute to another’s dream. Simple, small gestures can have a big impact; a warm smile at the sight of one another, a kind gesture like offering to help someone carry something when we notice their hands are full, introducing a newcomer to a friend, or recording a special moment for someone so they can relive that moment over again. The populace of this Kingdom constantly show support for each other in these small but impactful ways. We are proud to be part of a community that gets joy from contributing to others dreams. Wishing the best to all during the holiday season and we look forward to creating wonderful memories with you in the future.
Gabriel & Sonja
Heirs to the Crown of Ansteorra
January 2023 Black Star
To the stellar populace of Ansteorra,
We bid you warm greetings. As we enter the new year, we’ve had the opportunity to reflect on the joy and happiness the previous months brought us due to revitalized interactions with the populace of Ansteorra. While looking back gives us fond memories, it is looking forward to the future that inspires us to be our best selves. It is with this renewed sense of excitement that we carry into the new year. Excitement for traveling all over Ansteorra to spend time with those who make this kingdom unique in so many ways and representing this incredible kingdom in foreign lands when the Knowne World unites in comradery and fun for a war with no enemies. We’re looking forward to creating wonderful memories together.
Gabriel & Sonja
Heirs to the Crown of Ansteorra
Progress While Crown
- January 21, 2023: 86th Queen's Champion Celebration
- January 28, 2023: Northkeep Winterkingdom
- February 4, 2023: Mooneschadowe's Provincial Games
- February 11, 2023: Laurel's Prize Tourney
- February 18, 2023: Graywood's Battle of the Pines
- February 25, 2023: Raven's Fort A Day in the Forest
- March 11-19, 2023: Gulf War
- March 25, 2023: Hellsgate - Commanders Crucible
- April 1, 2023: Elfsea - The Ansteorran Trident
- April 22, 2023: Glaslyn - Defender of the Flame
- May 6, 2023: Coastal Marshal Academy
- May 13, 2023: Elfsea Defender
- May 20, 2023: Northkeep's Castellan
- May 27, 2023: Valor (Calontir) (Her Majesty)
- May 27, 2023: Steppes Warlord (His Majesty)
- June 10, 2023: Summer Crown Tournament
- June 17, 2023: Vindheim Summer Coronet
- July 8, 2023: King's College
- July 15, 2023: Summer Round Table (virtual)
- July 28-Aug 13, 2023: Pennsic 50
- August 26, 2023: Glaslyn - Artisan of the Flame
- September 9, 2023: Kingdom Arts & Sciences
- September 16, 2023: Raven's Fort - 36th Defender of the Fort & Royal Lancer
- September 23, 2023: Elfsea Baronial College
- September 30, 2023: War of Ages
- October 7, 2023: Namron Protectorate
- October 14, 2023: Coronation
The Words of the Crown
January 11, 2023
Greetings Ansteorra,
There is going to be a new activity at the 86th Queen's Champion Celebration on January 21st, 2023, 1x1 training with previous Queen's Champions and/or fighting Roses. I encourage all those eager to add to the rapier skills they already possess, take advantage of this unique opportunity.
After the first part of the Queen's Champion Tournament has concluded, there will be a dedicated list set off to the side where former Queen's Champions and/or fighting Roses will be available and ready for 1x1 fighting/training. This list is open to all previous Queen's Champions and/or fighting Roses, plus anyone who wants to join them in the list. I've spoken to a couple of Champions who generously offered to participate in this 1x1 training.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the event that celebrates the rapier community.
Warmest regards,
HRH Sonja
January 15, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into morning court for recognition at Queen's Champion, January 21 2023:
Adelaide de Bourbon
Michelle Chantal de Charente
We further invite the following into evening court at the same event:
Gwenfrewi ferch Llewellyn
Thomas Towlewardie
Phocas of Bordermarch
Magdalena de Paz
Zain Mountain-Gate
Please feel free to contact crown@ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
January 19, 2023
Good evening,
Thank you to everyone who is planning on attending and/or fighting at the 86th Queen's Champion Celebration. It is such a wonderful thing to have a front row seat for an event celebrating the rapier community.
This event is about honoring the rapier community, and those who have dedicated a huge amount of their time to serve the Queen and Kingdom. The fact that many of you pre-signed up to participate in the Queen's Champion Tournament warms my heart, regardless if you are fighting to be the next champion or fighting to be part of the day.
The number of fighters signed up for Queen's Champion Tournament is inspiring. However, it does create some timing and logistic challenges (absolutely a good challenge to have). As a result, the format of the first part of the tournament will be determined by the number of fighters in the tournament (whether they are going for it or not). The list mistresses and I have been in communication trying to figure out the best format for the number of fighters and the time allotted for the tournament. We are still in discussions because they have mentioned a lot of valid points. So, with the caveat that the format may need to change, I can share with you our initial thoughts about the tournament format.
What the list mistresses and I are thinking for the first part of the tournament is:
If there are 48 fighters or less, we will have 4 lists, up to 8-12 fighters per list, and each fighter in that list will get 8 bouts.
If there are more than 48 fighters, we may have to move to a timed bear pit to stay within timelines.
Note: Weapon forms are not dictated. The entire tournament is "Bring your best".
The bow out round will be after part 1 of the tournament concludes, and before part 2 starts.
Part 2 of the tournament will be the Top 8 from part 1 of the tournament who are fighting to be the next Queen's Champion. This will be the traditional single elimination, best 2 out of 3, weapon of choice. Double kills will be refought.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the 86th Queen's Champion Celebration at the end of this week.
In service to Ansteorra,
Sonja Regina
January 22, 2023
Greetings Ansteorra,
Wow! What a phenomenal event the Barony of Bordermarch held yesterday. Their Excellencies, Meurik and Gabby, and many, many Bordermarchians organized, planned, and executed one of the most beautifully executed, rapier focused events We had the pleasure to attend in a while. Many thanks to the event steward, Honorable Lady Eireann Hviturhrafn, and her team for making a Queen feel like the most special person in the world. There were many things done to cater to the Queen and rapier community that enhanced the celebration for all. Speaking of catering, Lady Aveline bit Belrose, did an incredible job as feast steward, pulling together many skilled cooks to provide an incredible luncheon buffet feast.
Special thanks to the List Mistresses, Countess Michelle, Countess Deanna, Mistress Myfanwy, and Honorable Lady Nicaize, who without their expertise, knowledge and collaboration would have been nearly impossible to keep on schedule. Their collaboration and recommendations to have a tournament in a format I desired, allowed the fighters to showcase their skill, provide lots of fighting the opportunities, and keep within the specified timeframe, made it possible for ALL of those things to happen. Handling a 2 phase tournament with 55 fighters is no small task, and they handled it like real pros.
Thanks to all of the list heralds and marshals who kept the lists running smoothly while enhancing the atmosphere that we are supportive of each other. They allowed the fighters to have their day in the list by choosing to not fight and fulfill these essential jobs.
Thanks to all the fighters who entered the tournament. Whether it was to participate in the day, or to endeavor to serve as Queen’s Champion, your presence showed the rapier community is strong and thriving. Witnessing smiling faces and laughter during the bouts, knowing the stakes involved, impassioned me to immerse myself even further into the rapier community. The skill I witnessed was awe inspiring.
Thanks to my Queen’s Champions, Master Orazio and Honorable Lady Veronica. While Orazio’s time as my Champion was brief, it was meaningful. I’ve witnessed him be a fantastic champion to many Queens before me and I was grateful I was able to call him My Champion for a brief time. As happy as I was that Orazio was by my side, I am ecstatic Honorable Lady Veronica is My Champion now. She fought her way through the list of very skilled fighters to earn her place by side. I am grateful that Veronica had the will and desire to be my champion. I have no doubt her and I will have a fun time being side by side, and I’m looking forward to it.
Thanks to Mistress Tatiana who made the amazing outfit I had on at the event. I felt so good in that outfit, it was like I was a Queen gliding a few inches from the ground.
Warmest regards,
Sonja & Gabriel
Regina et Rex
January 23, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into evening court for recognition at Northkeep Winterkingdom, January 28, 2023:
Cera Wesa Fiosrach
Tatiana Verlioni
Genevra de Vale
Muirenn Nia ingen Nath-I
Raulff Smeithberde
Matthew MacGilleFhaoláin
Please feel free to contact crown@ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
January 29, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into court for recognition at Mooneschadowe's Provincial Games, February 4 2023:
Adalia von dem Burg
Jutte von dem Burg
Francesca di Lucca
Please feel free to contact crown@ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
January 30, 2023
Winterkingdom, hosting Sable Soldier, was an incredible event. There was 60 hours of classes, melee fighting, lunch, largess derby, silent auction, a delicious and sentimental feast, and three courts. A whole lot of fun packed into one event.
Thanks to Their Serene Highnesses for recognizing deserving individuals with awards from both the principality and kingdom. Your ties to the Vindheim populace is inspiring.
Thanks to Their Excellencies of Northkeep and the entire event staff for organizing, running and hosting such a great event. Time seemed to fly by because all of the fun while learning that was constant throughout the day. In addition, thanks to the kitchen staff, for putting such delicious food on our plates. We enjoyed tasting every food item from every remove.
Thanks to Sir Martel (Tim Drost) and the Chivalry of Ansteorra for organizing Sable Soldier. You made it possible for us to come together and play over, and over, and over again. We had a variety of melee scenarios, fast-paced and fun, where we watched our units improve their cohesion and command in real time. At the end the Chivalry recognized Vindheim as the unit to carry the Sable Soldier banner at Gulf Wars. Vivat Vindheim!
Thanks to our on site chancellor, Mistress Colleen, who made sure everything was taken care of for us and the entourage. You had a long day of hard work to make it so we wanted for nothing, and we always had the support we needed.
Thanks to our Golden Staff, Sir Absolon, who worked with many others to coordinate three courts; Northkeep baronial court, Vindheim principality court, and Ansteorra kingdom court. All 3 courts worked seamlessly together to recognize deserving individuals. Also thanks to all of the court heralds for working together to coordinate the flow of the courts. You made court better experience for the populace.
Thanks to our entourage who makes it possible for us to do what we do because they donated their time to support us.
In service to Ansteorra,
Gabriel III & Sonja III
Rex et Regina
February Black Star
Mighty Ansteorra,
We launch most enthusiastically into Our reign. This wondrous kingdom is a deep wellspring of experiences, and We intend to progress through as many of them as possible. The kingdom's calendar is packed, from the windswept plains to the coasts of the sea, and the threat of war looms as our friends from Trimaris march to the field to test our mettle.
A brief note about awards during this reign: We intend to summon in advance those deserving individuals that We see fit to recognize in court. We have decided that, while it is great fun to spring a surprise on friends, it is often not the best experience for the recipient. Therefore, We will alert those whom We would recognize so they might prepare, as well as alert Us should there be problems with scheduling, concerns about special needs, or anything else.
This February, We look forward to seeing everyone at Provincial Games, Laurel's Prize Tourney, Battle of the Pines, and A Day in the Forest.
Gabriel and Sonja
Rex et Regina
February 13, 2023
We have wonderful news. The thrown weapons community in this kingdom is flourishing and thriving.
We find it fitting to establish the Kingdom Thrown Weapons Champion to recognize this growing discipline. The baronies of Loch Soilleir and Stargate have graciously offered to host the premier championship tourney at their combined event on May 6 this year.
We are planning a tourney with some unusual challenges, suitable for establishing the championship. We look forward to a truly entertaining day.
Gabriel and Sonja
February 20, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into court for recognition at A Day in the Forest, February 25 2023:
Aki Seulf
Avline bitte Bellrose
Cyna von Koln
Eireann Hviturhrafn
Klar of the Misty Vale]
Meash White
Ullfr inn Grai
We further invite the following into court at 1529 Siege of Vienna, February 25 2023:
Astrid of Bjornsborg
Aurora of Ansteorra
Diane Mallet
Enda Ui Doncha
Hadewig Wurmelin
Robin Carrot
Rosa de Armanno
Please feel free to contact crown@ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
March 2023 Black Star
Greetings, mighty Ansteorra!
March brings one of the friendliest wars we have the opportunity to experience. Gulf Wars XXXI is upon us. We are looking forward to Ansteorra coming together with Trimaris and the other kingdoms of the Knowne World on the lands of Glenn Abhann for fun, camaraderie, and competition. There is so much to do, see, and experience at Gulf Wars XXXI, wonderful memories will be created that will last for years to come. Ansteorra, we march to war.
Gulf Wars is, in fact, the reason behind some recent law changes. The calendar has been reverted such that Crown Tourney and Coronation are situated so that the Heirs will be positioned to attend Pennsic. Populace of Ansteorra, this is where preparation for Gulf Wars begins, and Gulf Wars is the event that dominates the winter reign. There is no substitute for human contact in negotiations and seeking allies. Gulf Wars, too, must happen later in the winter reign, in order for Crown to have time to mobilize the kingdom, arrange to fulfill duties assigned to the kingdom by treaty, coordinate with other kingdoms about the war schedules, and so on. The logistics and timing of the current schedule, performed from the position of the Heirs, put Ansteorra at an unintended disadvantage.
However, in reverting to this schedule, We have considered that the summer heat of July is oppressive and that Heirs from a July Crown have a very short time before Pennsic. Crown Tourney is now scheduled in June, before the true summer heat begins, and this gives the Heirs an additional month to prepare. Furthermore, recognizing the burden this places on the Heirs, We have coordinated with the Kingdom Financial Committee to allocate a dedicated fund solely to offset the costs of the Heirs' travel to Pennsic for the current year. Future years will have budgeted funds for the same purpose.
Ansteorra, war awaits! We will see you all there.
Gabriel and Sonja
Rex et Regina
March 5, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into court for recognition at Gulf War, March 16, 2023:
Katrina Glöckelîn
Sævarr Máni
Ranulph de Saint Clair
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir
Silvana Corwin
Please feel free to contact crown@ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
April 2023 Black Star
Greetings Ansteorra,
Last month We traveled up and down these great Ansteorran lands. While we are all part of the same stellar kingdom, each event had its own charm and character that We were fortunate to participate and witness. Below are the events We attended in February and look forward to attending again in the future.
Mooneshadowe's Provincial Games (February 4th): This event was a melee fighters dream. There were uniquely Mooneshadowe melee scenarios that had both armored and rapier fighters on the field and active. We also enjoyed the A&S projects that were works in progress at the event, as well as the A&S display competition. Thanks to the autocrats, Taidhgin O'Quin and Jacob of Mooneschadowe, and the entire event staff for running such a fun event. Thanks to Our onsite Chancellor, Colleen O'Kelly, who as usual made sure all logistics were taken care of before We even inquired about them. Thanks to those who helped with set up and tear down, including Vincenti, Margherita, Louis, Orlando, and a few others who were helping Us out while We were engaged in other matters. Thanks to Our entourage for the day; Theresa, Eadwyn, Perrin, Beatrix, Marguerite, Anastasiia, Romanius and Jehanne, for giving a couple hours of their time. Thanks to Our Champions, Skeggi and Veronica, who stood by Us on whatever field We were on (HRM Gabriel was on the rapier field, and HRM Sonja was on the armored field).
Laurel's Prize Tourney (February 11th): What a spectacular display of artistry and knowledge, all in one building. It was great to see the mix of first time displayers right alongside the experienced, practiced displayers. It was inspiring to see the wealth of knowledge that was freely shared with EVERYONE. Thanks to the event steward, Haraldr Bassi, and the entire LPT staff for creating such a nurturing, learning arts & sciences environment. Thanks to Our Royal Steward, Lessandra Della Torre, who doubled as Our onsite chancellor, for handling everything for Us so We could spend the day discussing arts & sciences with everyone. Thanks to the setup/move around/breakdown crews to helped out. Thanks to the White Scarves that attended the Queen. Thanks to Our entourage for the day: Absolon, Marguerite, Lessandra, Philippe, Aldric, Nicaize, Silvana, Myfanwy, Suzanne and Malkyn, for spending time with Us.
Graywood's Battle of the Pines (February 18th): There is nothing quite like witnessing “all the things” being done with local group flair. Graywood's event had armored fighting, rapier fighting, target archery, A&S display/competition, bardic competition, and feast. The comradery that We felt and witnessed the entire day was motivating and inspiring. Thanks to the event stewards, Aine ingen Oitir and Alfred Bjornson, and the event staff who made Battle of the Pines so successful. Thanks to Countess Michelle for stepping in as Our onsite Chancellor, for making sure We had everything we needed for the day. Thanks to the setup/breakdown helpers, y'all moved so quickly to get things done, it was like a blur. Thanks to Our entourage; Marie, Nikolai, Melodie, William, Kristodr, Gabriella, Vanessa & Tanne, Katheryn, Mary and Gwenfrewi, for donating a few hours of your time to attend Us.
Raven's Fort's A Day in the Forest (February 25th): A Day in the Forest was a wonderful, Robin Hood, themed event. There was fun and merriment to be had all day and into the evening feast. We especially enjoyed the extra effort Their Excellencies and populace did to dive into the theme of the day, like the Robin Hood costume contest (some people went all out), giving out chocolate coins, and Robin's merry men robbing from the rich on the road between places and giving to the poor. Thanks to the event steward, HL Eireann Hviturhrafn, and the Raven's Fort staff for holding an event that was a pleasure to be a part of. Thanks to the White Scarves who attended the Queen. HRM was only robbed at hairbrush point when you were on another errand for Her Majesty. Thanks to Our Royal Steward/Onsite Chancellor, Lessandra Della Torre, for being so involved. We never have a concern when We know you are involved. If Lessandra is handling it, it will be done and better than We could imagine. Thanks to Our entourage: Mary Elizabeth, Fastrada, Nicaize, Tanne, Nikolai, Asa, Malkyn, Valerie, Vanessa and Gabriella. It was a joy spending time with you on a bright, sunny day.
If the enjoyment We had at February's events is any indication of future events, We are in for a good time at future events.
In service to the Kingdom,
Gabriel & Sonja
Rex et Regina
May 2023 Black Star
Greetings Ansteorra,
Wow, what an incredible Gulf War! Ansteorra's jewel shone from so many facets. To
highlight just a few:
- An Ansteorran won War Bard.
- An Ansteorran won A&S.
- An Ansteorran also won the wood joust.
- Many Ansteorrans won their bouts, in both armored and rapier fighting, in the Champions Tourney. All Ansteorrans in the Champions Tourney fought with skill, integrity, talent, honor, and panache. This year the tournament consisted of 5 fighters from our allies, 4 up and coming (AoA level or non-awarded) fighters, 3 grant level fighters, and 3 peerage level fighters in each marshal discipline (armored combat and rapier), for a total of 30 fighters.
- An Ansteorran won the Ansteorran Rose Tournament. There were 140 entrants in the tournament representing almost all of the kingdoms and principalities in attendance at Gulf Wars. Ansteorra had 6 fighters, the highest number of fighters from a single kingdom/principality, in the quarter finals.
- An Ansteorran won the Meridian Rose Tournament. There were 82 fighters in the tournament, and Ansteorra had the highest number of fighters in the final 16 for the single elimination phase of the tourney. All six of the Ansteorrans in the final 16 were Centurions.
- An Ansteorran won the Meridian Rose Youth Tournament.
- The team with Ansteorrans won the Youth Combat Melee Tournament.
- Ansteorra Chili Night was a great success. Something in the ballpark of 55 gallons of chili was happily consumed.
- The Knowne World Party, hosted by Ansteorra, was a wonderfully fun, social experience. We received praise from our Royal Cousins, many of them, stating Ansteorra's hospitality is EPIC.
Gulf Wars wasn't the only event on our calendar in March. There was also Commander's Crucible in the Stronghold of Hellsgate on March 25th. So much talent and fun was witnessed, we were excited to share the day with those who truly enjoy supporting each other. Laughter could be heard rolling over the gentle hills of Belton, Texas. It was a perfect way to spend a post Gulf Wars weekend, back in Ansteorra's lands.
We recently made a change to the King's Archer award. Previously it was for target and combat archery. Now, the definition recognizes achievements in all missile weapons. After some discussion with members of the missile community, representing multiple disciplines, the name has been kept the same. This is in line with the Arc d'Or, whose definition was similarly expanded a few years ago.
In service to the Kingdom,
Gabriel & Sonja
Rex et Regina
May 8, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into court for recognition at Northkeep's Castellan, May 20, 2023:
Alex Villalobos
Alexandre Crane
Emmelina de Medeland
Fynn Alreksson
Grimbjorn Sigmundsson
Isabeau Wynter
Meurik the Humble
Raulff Smeithberde
Redulf von Kol
Thomas de Groet
Please feel free to contact trm@crown.ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
May 21, 2023
We, Gabriel and Sonja, invite the following into court for recognition at Steppes Warlord, May 27, 2023:
Æthelwynne Stíðmódu
Cassian Jaskółski
Clauß Fuchs von Nurenberg
Elionora inghen Ui Ceallaigh
Elsa von Snackenburg
Feodor Nikolaevich Gorodets
Kobayashi no Hotaru
Mathias Grunwalt
Montgomery Cadigan
Sean Tabor
Please feel free to contact trm@crown.ansteorra.org for questions, concerns, or scheduling problems.
May 29, 2023
We have sent confirmations for all those registrations for Crown Tourney that we have received. If you registered and have not received a confirmation, now would be an excellent time to verify and try again. If in doubt, please feel free to ask trm@crown.ansteorra.org whether or not we have received your registration.
Decisions about entry to the Tourney will be made and announced after registration closes. The deadline is noon, Ansteorra time, on June 3.
For those who still wish to register, this is the link:
Gabriel and Sonja
Rex et Regina
June 2023 Black Star
Crown Tourney comes to this fair kingdom in June. We will be strictly following kingdom law for eligibility. The format will be weapon of choice, single elimination, best two of three. Double kills will be refought for each point until there is a clear victor. We will not require a letter of intent, but registration online will be mandatory. Please watch official online channels for the registration form announcement. Registration will close at noon on June 3.
As this reign advances, We are most grateful to Their Serene Highnesses Micauley and Caterina and the Landed Nobles of this kingdom for presenting awards and announcements when
holding court where We are not present. We, as a kingdom, are most fortunate to have
multiple avenues by which worthy gentles may be recognized for their accomplishments.
We have recently attended the following events on Our Progress:
Ansteorra Trident (April 1st, 2023): The kingdom was able to give a different type of event a try and it was a great success. The Barony of Elfsea hosted Ansteorra Trident - A Day of the Blade, the Bow, and The Bard, on the first Saturday in April. It was a tri-championship event where Anstorrans competed for the Royal Blade, Royal Hunter, and Premier Bard. There was so much talent in diversified arenas of skill. We appreciate all the efforts Elfsea, under the guidance and direction of His Excellency William Palfrey as event steward, made to ensure Trident was the best multiple championships We could have hoped for. Thank you to all the communities that came out to support the event and made it very interesting to watch. Each of the championships, Royal Blade, Royal Hunter, and Eisteddfod, were a pleasure to watch, with so many having fun participating in activities where the result of winning is a commitment to serve. Our Royal Steward, Her Excellency Lessandra, as usual, showed Us how committing to serve makes the kingdom and events better for everyone enabling others to have a good time. Our entourage for the day helped keep things moving, so all the activities could happen as scheduled, which shows respect for everyone's time.
Glaslyn Defender of the Flame (April 22nd, 2023): We look forward to this event every year, and for good reason: it is FUN. The laughter could be heard across the beautiful scenic backdrop and smiles could be seen everywhere. It was a wonderful day watching monkeys entertain themselves and the watching crowd. Seeing the variety of activities that took place throughout the day was inspiring. Thanks to the event stewards and Gaslyn for organizing and executing a fun filled, truly enjoyable day. Thanks to our Onsite Chancellor for the day, Mistress Colleen, who anticipated and took care of all Our needs before We had the chance to think about them. Colleen is the epitome of efficiency and proof positive that pre-planning makes everything run smoothly. We appreciate the entourage staff who gives of their time to help others have fun.
Gabriel Rex & Sonja Regina Ansteorra
July 2023 Black Star
Our Progress continues!
Coastal Marshal Academy (May 6th, 2023): Thanks to the baronies of Loch Soilleir and Stargate for including the Kingdom Middle Eastern Dance Championships and the Premier Thrown Weapons Championships as part of their event. It was a wonderful day of learning and displays of great skill. It was a joy to share the day with all the White Scarves who spend time guarding, entourage, champions, teachers, staff and populace. Such a good time was had that time seemed to fly by; from the morning activities, to late afternoon court, to the festive Hafla in the evening.
Elfsea Defender (May 13th, 2023): The Barony of Elfsea never disappoints. It was an incredible day of great displays of prowess while having fun and injecting some silliness for the entertainment of the audience and fellow fighters. It was a great event, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and respect. It was apparent, during court, that Their Excellencies, Kazimierz and Katheryn, care deeply for Elfsea and all of Ansteorra. After 5 years as Elfsea's Landed Nobility, Their Excellencies are going to be retiring to promote Elfsea to grow in new and exciting ways under the guidance of others. Thanks to all; the staff that made this event possible, the entourage and guards standing with us, and everyone who attended, contributing to the unity that makes Ansteorra awesome.
Northkeep's Castellan (May 19th – 21st, 2023): The Barony of Northkeep does something
wonderful at Castellan. They open their championships to all contenders, then choose an
overall victor who competes well in several of the tourneys. Ansteorra, to see a diverse set of skills from numerous members of the populace is most pleasing.
Steppes Warlord (May 26th – 29th, 2023): As usual, Steppes filled the weekend of Warlord with a multitude of activities. A bevy of merchants, a cascade of tournaments, campfires and camaraderie. The barony endeavored to pack the days full of challenge and champions. We were also fortunate to have some representatives of the Sable Shields speak some words to the date itself, that we might remember those in the armed forces who came before and gave of themselves in defense of this country.
Calontir's Valor (May 26th- 29th, 2023): The hospitality of Calontir exceeded every expectation. Thank you to Her Majesty, Marie, Their Excellencies of Vatavia, and the populace of Calontir for holding a wonderful event. It is with much appreciation that thanks need to go out to The Ansteorrans who also attended this out of kingdom event, starting with Her Serene Highness, Princess Caterina, for continuing to foster happy relationships between Vindheim and Calontir.
For our entourage; HE Lessandra, Mistress Marguerite, HG Margherita, Maestro Vincenti, and Maestro Orlando, who went above and beyond to make sure every need of Her Serene Highness and I were met even before we thought to ask for it. The ability to spend time with you all is a real benefit to our offices.
Ansteorra, the summer is upon us. Stay hydrated, and stay safe.
Gabriel and Sonja
The Words of the Populace
Koke Gan
I have been super impressed with Their Royal Majesties, Gabriel & Sonja. They have rocked the boat more than I've seen from other Crowns (at least outside of fighting, I can't speak on that). But every time they've made an unpopular decision, they have then explained their reasoning and it has made sense every time.
Their Royal Majesties go above and beyond to cater to those with anxiety issues in ways that really show how much they love the populace of Ansteorra. They have taken care to acknowledge gender neutral or gender nonconforming populace when they receive their Awards of Arms.
It is quite evident that they put a lot of thought into their decisions and have the best interests of our kingdom at heart. They have been incredibly responsive to any and all contact I have had with them, often responding to emails within minutes, regardless of the time of day (or night)!
I have a great appreciation for Their Royal Majesties, Gabriel & Sonja and will be greatly saddened when it is their time to step down.
Reign Notes
- Dress for Queen's Champion: Tatiana Verlioni, assisted by Beatrix Funteyn, Yzabeau Brossier, Eadwyn seo Gathyrde, Torianna, and Ivo Blackhawk.
- Jewels for Queen's Champion: Michelle Chantal de Charente
Reign Photos and Media
- Our Crown
Newly Crowned as Royal Heirs
Photo by Zubeydah -
Attending Vindheim 3rd Coronet Tourney
Sonja and her Champion, Veronica de Sanguine