85th Crown

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85th Crown

Coronation: Photo by Margery Heron
Sovereign: Creppin l'Ostriche
Consort: Toryn Sevenstitches
Crown Tournament: April 8, 2022 in Bjornsborg: (Video)
Coronation: July 9, 2022 in Steppes
Stepped Down: January 14, 2023 in Bjornsborg
Predecessors: Flokki Geirrekkson & Elizabeth Caton
Heirs: Gabriel of Maccuswell III & Sonja Ryzaja III

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

On November 12, 2022, in the court of Creppin l’Ostriche and Toryn Sevenstitiches the second by those names, a Temporary Removal from Participation was issues against Barbara Ruble, known in the Society as Mellilah Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah.

On December 3, 2022, in the court of Creppin l’Ostriche and Toryn Sevenstitiches the second by those names, a Temporary Removal from Participation is issued against Cameron Akiah Varner.

Staff Members

  • Head of Entourage:
  • Chief Lady-in-Waiting:
  • Star Signet:
  • Herald:




Peers Elevated

Name Date Peerage
Masina da Ferrara - OP 2022-10-08 Laurel
Valr Svensson - OP 2022-11-19 Knight
Cristyana Lambrecht - OP 2022-11-19 Pelican

Special Recognitions


Honour du Bois

Gauntlets & Gloves

King's Gauntlet

Queen's Glove

Progress While Prince & Princess

  • April 8, 2022: Crown Tournament at Bjornsborg
  • April 16, 2022: Squires, Cadets & Arcarius Stargate
  • May 7, 2022: Coastal Co-baronial Championships
  • May 14, 2022: Spring Round Table (virtual)
  • May 28, 2022: Steppes Warlord
  • July 9, 2022: Coronation

Progress While Crown

  • July 16, 2022: Queen's Champion
  • July 23, 2022: Performing Arts Symposium
  • July 29-Aug 14, 2022: Pennsic War 49
  • August 6, 2022: Steppes Artisan
  • August 27, 2022: Vindheim Missile Academy
  • September 3, 2022: War of Legends
  • September 10, 2022: Fall Crown Tournament
  • September 17, 2022: Raven's Fort - 35th Defender of the Fort
  • October 1, 2022: Namron Protectorate (Her Majesty)
  • October 1, 2022: Ffynnon Gath - War of Ages (His Majesty)
  • October 8, 2022: Kingdom Arts & Sciences
  • October 15, 2022: Bjornsborg's The Celebration of Bears
  • October 29, 2022: Eldern Hills - Samhain
  • November 5, 2022: Shadowlands - Runs with Scissors Plays With Fire (Again)
  • November 12, 2022: Fall Round Table (virtual)
  • November 18, 2022: Bordermarch War of the Rams
  • December 3, 2022: Stargate's 50th Anniversary and Yule
  • December 10, 2022: Vindheim Winter Coronet (Brad Leah)
  • January 7, 2023: Steppes 12th Night
  • January 14, 2023: Coronation (Bjornsborg)

The Words of the Coronet

June Black Star

Greetings to Ansteorra from Prince Creppin and Princess Toryn!

Crown Tournament was a joyous event! We are excited to be your heirs and look forward to a fun and busy reign. We cannot wait to see your art, your service, and your prowess on the field and range! Being able to see you in person again is wonderful and the energy at in-person events is amazing. If you have not been able to come to an in-person event, please come out - if you feel comfortable doing so, of course.

On that note, here are some events just on the horizon: King’s College, the ultimate in classes of all kinds that will help you up your game, and Vindheim’s Summer Coronet, another historic June event where Vindheim’s heirs will be chosen.

On the subject of in-person events, we want to encourage all event stewards to make accessibility a priority when planning events and selecting sites. Many of our populace experience issues with mobility and we want to make sure that all are welcome, and not just welcome, but active participants.

In closing, if any of you have suggestions, questions, or ideas on how to improve the game for you or your friends, please reach out to us at: coronet@ansteorra.org.

Creppin Toryn
Prince Princess

July Black Star

Greetings to Ansteorra from Prince Creppin and Princess Toryn!

Warlord was wonderful! After two years of virtual Warlords, experiencing this historic event in person was a great way to end May. We had so much fun! The vigils, fighting, arts, all the merchants and activities in the hall. In June Vindheim heirs were chosen. Vivat!!! We also want to thank all the teachers that so generously shared their knowledge and skills at King’s College. Thank you for helping us all up our game!

July is an important month for us as we look forward to our Coronation and our Queen’s Tournament. If you would like to compete in Queen’s, please send your letter of intent to queen@crown.ansteorra.org at least one week prior to the event.

We are happy to see event stewards making accessibility a priority when planning events and choosing sites. Creating a team of populace members tasked with assisting older Ansteorrans, folks with mobility issues, and even those with small children, is amazing. We encourage our populace to volunteer for these teams and make use of them if you need help. These efforts are noticed by us and encouraged for all events. Helping those that need help is Chivalry in action and brings the dream alive for all, regardless of age, life situation, and physical ability. Thank you!

In closing, if any of you have suggestions, questions, or ideas on how to improve the game for you or your friends, please reach out to us at: coronet@ansteorra.org.

Creppin Toryn
Prince Princess

The Words of the Crown

July 15, 2022

Thank you, Ansteorra for a magical Coronation last weekend!

From the moment we arrived on site, to departing after a delicious feast, courtesy of the hard working team lead by Hadassah Sarai Bas Yossi, this was a spectacular day!

Thank you to the diligent Lessandra Della Torre and Taly Eddington for managing the inventory task with grace and charm. You make the job of being Royal a breeze!

Thank you to the Barony of the Steppes and Their Excellencies Steppes for Hosting the event - the site was FANTASTIC and the Autocrat Astrid Flokadottir knocked it out of the park!

Thank you to the tireless, talented, AMAZING Garb Team of Dreams for the patterning, design and creation of the Coronation Garb - Countess Cristyana Lambrecht, Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna, Lady Morina O'Donovan, HL Isabelot de Forens, Mistress Sarra Asshton of York, Mistress Rhiannon Verch Bryan. These good gentles are holders of my gratitude and small portions of my heart and soul. I have never felt more beautiful or confident in my life - Thank you for making this dream happen.

Thank you Mistress Sarra Asshton of York for the loan of the gown for the Princess Royal - she LOVED it!!

Master Brian O'hUilliam, Herald Extrodinare - thank you for running a fun and very smooth court!
His excellency [[ Detlef von Marburg]] for Heralding a beautiful entrance for his Majesty
Mistress Elena Wyth, Scribe to the Stars - thank you for your calm work under pressure!
Lady Astrid Flokadottir for autocratting the best coronation event
Hadassah Sarai Bas Yossi for making a delicious and fun coronation feast! WE LOVED it!!!
Carson Engle and the WHOLE Moneyers Guild for the amazing coins!!! These are so pretty!
Katerine Anne De Wulf for the fun children's activities!
Lady Fastrada the Furious for running the largess tourney!!! SO MUCH PRETTY STUFF!!! THANK YOU!

Lady Taly Toledano, you completely NAILED IT. You were everywhere and handled it all with grace. You are a fantastic Head of Entourage.

Lady Margery Heron Thank you for the beautiful photos!!

Thank you to Princess Royal Isabelle Torynsdoittor, Thank you for putting up with your Mom's silliness all these years, you are everything I could ask for in a daughter.

Thank you to Count Floki Gierrekkson and Countess Elizabeth Caton for paving the way for a smooth reign!

Thank you Ansteorra for making our coronation dreams come true, We hope to help your SCA dreams come alive!

With love and promises of wrath if you call for it,

Queen Toryn Seven Stitches
King Creppin l'Ostrich

Queen's Champion

Dear Ansteorra, and The Rapier and C&T communities of Ansteorra,

Thank you for an absolutely spectacular Queens Champion Event! Saturday was filled with laughter, skill, joy, amazement and a few tears. If you were not able to come, you missed a wonderful day – and perhaps the only July Ansteorran Event where my feet got a little chilly.

I have traveled across the known world and met Queens and Roses from every kingdom. They all have great stories to tell from their reign, but each and every one of them is a little bit jealous of the Queens of Ansteorra. Why? Because Queens in Ansteorra have a special place in the hearts of the Rapier and C&T communities of this mighty kingdom. I felt the love of the community every day, but yesterday was extraordinarily special. Thank you all.

Queens Champion is the highlight of my reign and The Barony of Bryn Gwlad and autocrats Mistress Myfawny Ferch Eifion and Fru Uifeior a Prondheimi ran and excellent event! Thank you so much for providing a magnificent site, lovely decorations and organizing a perfect day! Thank you for accommodating all guests and assisting those with need – your efforts bring joy to my heart!
Fun and engaging Children’s Activities were hosted by Lady Gyda and the kids had so much fun with the crafts and games! Thank you, Lady Gyda for providing a fun space for the kids to enjoy themselves!

The Youth Rapier Fighters were well represented and the Queens Hope Tournament was led by Orlando Giovanni. Thank you Don Orlando for your faithful leadership of the youth. Honorable and exciting fighting yielded a new Queens Hope in Maria of the Steppes. Congratulations Maria!

The Queens Champion tournament was expertly list mistress-ed by Mistress Jeanne Marie la Verriere, Mistress Adelaide and Lady Stefania. Many thanks for a smooth and accurate tournament!

Thank you Don Robin of Gilwell for lending not only your expertise in marshalling the tournament but also your voice to the Crown as the Herald of the event. Your panache, flair and style make my Dream come to life. Thank you for your hard work and service, you made my day so much better just knowing I could count on your voice and counsel.

Thank you to the White Scarves and the Moniers Guild for the gift of the resplendent coins! They are so amazing with my hippo on them!!

Special thanks to Lord Alan Lynch and the Legion of Swashbucklers for my memory banner signed by all that fought – I will cherish it always.

Thank you to the TEAM of talented Ansteorrans that worked together to create the Queen’s Champion Look. The incredible custom printed, silk Venetian Dress was Designed, Stamped, Sewn, and Fitted by Mistress Christiana, Mistress [[Sarra, Mistress Brenna MacDonald, Mistress Rhiannon Verch Bryan, Master Don Cael and His Majesty Creppin. This dress was everything - words cannot describe how beautiful it is and pretty I felt in it. The care, detail and love that go into creating a work of art like this puts me forever in your debt. Know that you have my eternal thanks and love.

BUT DID YOU SEE MY HAIR? My cool Venetian Horned Hair Design was the brainchild of Mistress Jean Marie based on period portraits. When you need an expert design – call an expert and she pulled off the hair of the year! Thank you so much for your help in making the vision come to life!!!

Congratulations to Don Orazio d'Assisi, my Queen’s Champion on your victory! I look forward to having you by my side as my Champion for the Reign. Your Champ-Posal was a highlight of my day and made an unforgettable memory. Thank you!

With Love,
Queen Toryn

Vindheim Missile Academy, August 2022

Dear Ansteorra and The Missile Community,

Thank you so much to the Barony of Wiesenfeuer for hosting the Missile Academy Event!

The classes were very interesting, the fighting was awesome and WE GOT TO THROW AXES!!!!!

His Majesty and I had so much fun with the thrown weapons, he is planning on creating some Plumbata of his very own!

I sincerely hope to see more Thrown Weapon and Archery included in event planning – it was so much fun to be able to participate in an activity with enthusiastic teachers and hosts!

We look forward to seeing the community at upcoming events!

Vivat Missile Arts!

With love,
Creppin and Toryn, Rex et Regina Ansteorra

War of Legends, September 3, 2022

Dear Ansteorra and the Legends of Ansteorra,

Thank you so much to the Barony of Bonwicke, The Barony of the Steppes and the Barony of Bryn Gwlad for hosting the War of Legends!

This event was chock full of fun activities and laughter!
One activity that I really hope to see repeated was the Legends Costume Contest! Seeing our populace represent the Legends of Ansteorra, of History and Myth through costume and performance was the BEST way to start this EPIC event!

His Majesty and I witnessed Rapier and Rattan combat and instruction on Saturday with guests from the Outlands! The weather did nothing but get better as the day progressed and everyone had a wonderful time.

Sunday was Rapier Melee and Archery! My highlight was shooting target archery ASTRIDE A MIGHTY CHARGING HORSEY!!!! Well, gently rolling wooden horsey….BUT IT WAS MOVING and I hit the target! I have not had that much fun shooting target archery in my life – to the good gentles that made this happen, you are held in a special place in my heart! Vivat!

The site was lovely and so welcoming, new faces were everywhere, smiling and just having the best time.

Thank you to the hardworking autocrats and event stewards who hosted a magnificent event, Our hearts are filled with joy!

Vivat Legends and the Baronies that brought them to Us!
With love,
Creppin and Toryn, Rex et Regina Ansteorra

October 2022 Black Star

Greetings Ansteorra!
September was such a busy month! Thank you to all of the host groups, event stewards, and people whose hard work made the month so wonderful. Crown Tournament was amazing, with such feats of prowess and valor! Thank you to all the entrants and consorts who participated, it was great to see you all; it was magnificent.

As we look forward to October’s cool weather, perfect for camping, we are also excited to attend Kingdom A&S. If you have never been to Kingdom A&S, it is one of the premier art and science events in the known world. We cannot wait to see all the things the talented artists in Ansteorra are preparing for the competition.

We encourage all event stewards and seneschals to promote their events on Facebook, Websites, and the Ansteorra Calendar. If your site might prove challenging for folks with mobility issues, please try to add that to your communications and ads. Likewise, if your site has amenities that would help older folks, people who have trouble getting around, or people with small children, make sure you share that information.

Please continue to put an emphasis on physical and psychological safety as you plan to attend events. Reach out to your event stewards if you need help with accessibility or a safe space. All are welcome at events and we ask that you treat all you meet with respect and dignity. We encourage you to bring your authentic self when you come out to play regardless of age, physical ability, or life situation. Think about what you can do to help someone else enjoy their time in the SCA, and how you can be more inclusive in local meetings and events. In closing, if you have suggestions, questions, or ideas on how to improve the society for you or others, please reach out to us at: crown@ansteorra.org. If you know amazing people who deserve an  award, please recommend them via the Award Recommendation Form found at the top of this webpage: https://ansteorra.org/awards/.
Creppin Toryn
King Queen

November 2022 Black Star

Greetings Ansteorra!

November is here! But first, we want to say what a wonderful time we had in October. We started the month off with His Majesty heading to War of Ages and Her Majesty traveling to Namron Protectorate - what wonderful events and gracious hosts. We attended Kingdom Arts and Sciences and were so impressed with the talent and skill of our populace. If you have never attended Kingdom A&S, please add this to your list of “events you must go to” because it is some of the best art in the Known World. Ansteorra did not disappoint! It was great to see old friends and new at Bjornsborg’s Celebration of the Bears, and we ended October with Samhain in Eldern Hills. Thank you to all of the host groups, event stewards, and people whose hard work made the month so wonderful for us.

As we look forward to November, we are excited to visit Shadowlands, see you all, virtually, at Round Table and last but not least, Bordermarch War of the Rams. If you are an officer at any level, Round Table will be virtual and will be full of information you need and classes to take. You will be able to update/renew your warrants and warranted training. Don’t miss it!  War of the Rams is an Ansteorra favorite with so much fighting. So. Much. Fighting. It’s a great opportunity to get some melee fighting in - or watch it, if you are a spectator! And did we mention the shopping? The camping? The bardic? We cannot wait! 

We encourage all event stewards and seneschals to promote their events on Facebook, Websites, and the Ansteorra Calendar. If your site might prove challenging for folks with mobility issues, please try to add that to your communications and ads. Likewise, if your site has amenities that would help older folks, people who have trouble getting around, or people with small children, make sure you share that information. Please continue to put an emphasis on physical and psychological safety as you plan to attend events. Reach out to your event stewards if you need help with accessibility or a safe space. All are welcome at events and we ask that you treat all you meet with respect and dignity. We encourage you to bring your authentic self when you come out to play regardless of age, physical ability, or life situation. Think about what you can do to help someone else enjoy their time in the SCA, and how you can be more inclusive in local meetings and events.

In closing, if you have suggestions, questions, or ideas on how to improve the society for you or others, please reach out to us at: crown@ansteorra.org. If you know amazing people who deserve an award, please recommend them via the Award Recommendation Form found at the top of this webpage: https://ansteorra.org/awards/.
Creppin Toryn
King Queen

December 2022 Black Star

Greetings Ansteorra!

Greetings of the season! November was an amazing month as we continued our travels around our glorious Kingdom! On the last weekend of October, we attended Samhain in Eldern Hills. Fantastic event! We had so much fun! Shadowlands hosted Runs with Scissors, Plays with Fire… Again - so much fun. We also want to thank all the people who work behind the scenes to pull off our virtual King’s Round Table. We know how much work this takes, and we want to recognize it. Last - War of the Rams in Bordermarch - this event never disappoints. The weather, the people, fighting - it is one of the best events and something we all look forward to. Thank you to all the event stewards, feast stewards, marshals, and other folks who make these events such a success - Vivat!

As we look forward to December, we are excited to be going to Stargate Yule and Winter Coronet in Vindheim. We also want to wish all our populace a glorious season of love, and laughter - however you celebrate, know that we are proud of our Kingdom! Please continue to put an emphasis on physical and psychological safety as you plan to attend events. Reach out to your event stewards if you need help with accessibility or a safe space. All are welcome at events, and we ask that you treat all you meet with respect and dignity. We encourage you to bring your authentic self when you come out to play regardless of age, physical ability, or life situation. Think about what you can do to help someone else enjoy their time in the SCA, and how you can be more inclusive in local meetings and events.

In closing, if you have suggestions, questions, or ideas on how to improve the society for you or others, please reach out to us at: crown@ansteorra.org. If you know amazing people who deserve an award, please recommend them via the Award Recommendation Form found at the top of this webpage: https://ansteorra.org/awards/. Creppin Toryn
King Queen

December 15, 2022

Queen Toryn and King Creppin both smile at the viewer, proudly wearing light blue feather pins.

Dear Ansteorra:

Thank you to the Shire of Brad Leah for an amazing Coronet Tournament! The Principality of Vindheim now has a new Prince and Princess (Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni)! VIVAT!!

The event was a fantastic ending to Jean Paul de Sens & Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise's term as Prince and Princess and it was so wonderful to see so many of the Vindheim populace in attendance.

A special note of gratitude to Sorcha McCullogh for such a well run event!

The fighters had such a grand time and so did the children! Thank you to Liadan of Patrin-Or for coordinating the children's activities - they were so much fun!

The photo (to the right), taken by Koke Gan, was a special moment for His Majesty and I to proudly display Our Allyship with Clan Blue Feather - Love is love! Castellana de Andalusia made our custom Light Blue pins and We will cherish them! Thank you for including Us!

What a wonderful way to start the Holiday season!

With love, Creppin and Toryn, Rex et Regina Ansteorra

January 2023 Black Star

Greetings Ansteorra!

May your new year be full of blessings and good cheer! What a glorious reign and end of the year! Our Falcon Cousins had their Crown Tournament, and we had a wonderful time celebrating the 50th Anniversary and Yule of Stargate - thank you to the autocrats and the Barony of Stargate for your hospitality. Our Principality of Vindheim had their third Coronet Tournament - Vivat to the victors and, again, it was great to visit the Northern reaches of our Kingdom and experience your warmth and graciousness.

With the holiday season comes blessed respite from the heat of the summer, but please take care when traveling across Ansteorra as weather and road conditions can change quickly and become dangerous. We hope to see you all at Twelfth Night.

As we draw near to Winter Coronation and reflect on the past months, we are minded to give thanks for the joyous memories we have shared with you all.

Creppin & Toryn
King & Queen

The Words of the Populace

Brynjólfr Austmannaskelfir

Unto the august populace of the mighty Black Star, greetings! I am Brynjólfr Austmannaskelfir, holder of the Sable Shield, Sable Talon, Sable Thistle, and Sable Flur. I am the wielder of the Crimson Spear of Bonwicke, holder of the Crimson Tear of Bonwicke, and bearer of the Order of the Western Cross. Known as the Executioner of the Western Watch, Triskele hordes tremble and quake before my banner. Swathes of the sylvan forests of Æthelmearc fall for the funeral pyre, as the skies turn dark with the ash of her warriors after my passing. I bear written words extolling the grace, magnificence, and benevolence of our Stellar Queen.

Her Royal and Wrathful Majesty, Queen Toryn Sevenstitches established my new personal archetype for a Queen, and cemented her place as a legend of the Order of the Rose at the appropriately named War of Legends. Her kind and gentle nature was made apparent via her treatment of all the children assembled. She took special delight in instructing my daughter, Braighlinn Brynjólfsdóttir, known as the Primrose, in the ways of majestic and royal comportment.

Her Royal Majesty escorted my daughter around site for much of the first day, proclaimed her, "Her Tiny Majesty," and displayed some of the purest truth of our Shared Dream I've ever seen. Not only did joy and light radiate from both of them, but her Majesty is solely responsible for propagation of the Dream in my little one. Braighlinn hasn't stopped gushing.

Your Majesty, Queen Toryn, I lay my deeds, and any glory I've earned at your feet. May your populace stand in awe of your wonderful heart.

Yours in honor and service,

Reign Notes



Reign Photos