International Space Station

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The International Space Station is in orbit approximately 248 miles above Earth.


The International Space Station was claimed by the Barony of Stargate, as a number of Barony members work diligently to maintain its orbit and function. Further claim was laid by Don Shamino Salle Dacil (MKA Richard Garriott) in person, in October of 2008, when he planted the flag of Ansteorra (in sticker form) on the Space Station.

Disputed Territory

The International Space Station has also been claimed by the Barony of the Sundragon, in the Kingdom of Atenvelt, as in March of 2011, they briefly had a member of their Populace on the ISS. It was their contention that it became their territory by right of conquest.


The International Space Station does not have registered heraldry.

Current Officers

