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The Great House of RHOADD

The Great House of RHOADD


If memory serves correctly, The Great House of RHOADD was formed in the late 90s after the late Sir Dietrich Kempenich von Eltz was teasing the founder: Sir Corwin von Xanten, that "his boys looked like a bunch of Road Warriors". Referring to the second film in the Mad Max franchise because most of their armor was piecemealed together from bits of scrap, street signs, and used football pads. Rather than take it as an insult, Sir Corwin leaned into it replying "Yessss, we are the Warriors of RHOADD." As his squires started fighting in and winning tournaments, their brothers could be heard on the sidelines yelling out with pride: RHOADD! This may also be the reason RHOADD is always spelled in All Caps. Soon after the Household was created and began it's expansion, eventually encompassing warriors from across the Kingdom.



Sable, an Ansteorran Star, Sable, within a roundel Or, within a St. Catherine's Wheel Argent, garnished Or

House Traditions and Guidelines

Areas of Focus

Being the greatest fighting Household in Ansteorra
Brewing the best Beers, Ales, Meads, and Wines in the Kingdom
Drumming the best beats at the Hafla
Maximizing Fun
Minimizing Drama

Induction into the Household

Coming soon

Flossie and Ogreball

Coming soon

The Book of RHOADD (AKA The RHOnomicon)

Coming soon

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

Coming soon



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